
So you mean i can get all the AdGroup IDs and then loop throw them and get 
> the Ads by AdGroup Ids did i understand it well ?

Yes, that's correct. You should use predicates to control how large your 
result set is (*totalNumEntries*) and thereby avoid exceeding the limits 

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 10:58:47 AM UTC-5, Karim Benna wrote:
> I thought about this solution but maybe it's nessessary that you know what 
> i'm doing:
> I'm writing a programm that is getting all the FinalUrls of all ads of 
> different accounts (from different Acc IDs) so it has to be dynamic and the 
> IDs changes always because we have a lot of accounts and dynamic ADs.
> So you mean i can get all the AdGroup IDs and then loop throw them and get 
> the Ads by AdGroup Ids did i understand it well ?
> Thank you again
> Am Dienstag, 1. März 2016 16:35:31 UTC+1 schrieb Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
> API Team):
>> Hi,
>> In that case, you'll want to batch your requests by ad group ID. For 
>> example:
>>    1. Issue an AdGroupService.get 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/AdGroupService#get>
>>    to retrieve the list of all ENABLED ad groups and collect all of their 
>> IDs.
>>    2. Split the collection of ad group IDs into multiple collections, 
>>    each with a reasonable max size. For example, if you have a *maximum* 
>>    of 20 ads per ad group and 1,000 ad groups, then you'd create:
>>       - Batch 1 = ad group IDs 1 to 500 (maximum # of ads = 20 * 500 = 
>>       10,000)
>>       - Batch 2 = ad group IDs 501 to 1000
>>    3. For each collection of ad group IDs, issue an AdGroupAdService.get 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/AdGroupAdService#get>
>>    with a predicate on *AdGroupId IN [collectionOfAdGroupIds]*.
>>    4. Combine results of all the iterations in step 3.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 9:22:03 AM UTC-5, Karim Benna wrote:
>>> The problem is that i have minimum 250000 active Ads so i need to find a 
>>> way to avoid that limit do u think it's possible ? and how ? i'm sorry to 
>>> ask again the same question but the solution you gave me doesn't really 
>>> help for my case but i thank you anyway
>>> Am Dienstag, 1. März 2016 15:10:55 UTC+1 schrieb Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>> API Team):
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Since your processing loop is ignoring any ad group whose status is not 
>>>> *ENABLED*, I'd recommend adding a predicate on *Status 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201601/AdGroupService.AdGroup#status>
>>>> = ENABLED* when building your *Selector*. If you have a large number 
>>>> of *PAUSED* or *REMOVED* ad groups, the addition of that predicate 
>>>> will greatly reduce the total number of entries for your request.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 8:39:14 AM UTC-5, Karim Benna wrote:
>>>>> I have the same problem but i wish to have a nicer solution than to 
>>>>> change everything by using reports not services could anyone please help 
>>>>> me 
>>>>> ? 
>>>>> int offset = 0;
>>>>> SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder();
>>>>> Selector selector = builder
>>>>> .fields(AdGroupAdField.CreativeFinalUrls, AdGroupAdField.AdGroupId)
>>>>> .orderAscBy(AdGroupAdField.AdGroupId)
>>>>> .offset(offset)
>>>>> .limit(PAGE_SIZE)
>>>>> .build();
>>>>> do {
>>>>> // Get all campaigns.
>>>>> page = adService.get(selector);
>>>>> int i = 0;
>>>>> if (page.getEntries() != null) {
>>>>> for (AdGroupAd campaign : page.getEntries()) {
>>>>> try {
>>>>> if (campaign.getStatus().getValue() == "ENABLED") {
>>>>> ArrayList<String> inner = new ArrayList<String>();
>>>>> inner.add(campaign.getAd().getFinalUrls()[0]);
>>>>> inner.add(Long.toString(campaign.getAdGroupId()));
>>>>> urls.add(inner);
>>>>> i++;
>>>>> }
>>>>> } catch (NullPointerException e) {
>>>>> System.out.println("A campaign of this GroupAd: " + 
>>>>> campaign.getAdGroupId() + " is :"
>>>>> + campaign.getStatus());
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> } else {
>>>>> System.out.println("No campaigns were found.");
>>>>> }
>>>>> offset += PAGE_SIZE;
>>>>> selector = builder.increaseOffsetBy(PAGE_SIZE).build();
>>>>> System.out.println("there is found: " + i + " Urls");
>>>>> } while (offset < page.getTotalNumEntries());
>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014 19:06:37 UTC+2 schrieb nakisa mohammadifard:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am trying to get all the keywords in an account and I am using 
>>>>>> paging for that. According to the limits of google, there can be 3 
>>>>>> million 
>>>>>> keywords in an account though while I am trying to get them I get an 
>>>>>> error 
>>>>>> SelectorError.START_INDEX_IS_TOO_HIGH for start index of paging set to 
>>>>>> 110000. Is there any explanation and what should I do to get the 
>>>>>> remaining 
>>>>>> millions of keywords?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Nakisa 

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