Hi Hans,

One of my teammates tried to reproduce what you're seeing and was unable to 
do so. Could you please click *Reply privately to author* in the forum and 
send me the customer ID of the account where you're seeing this when 
pulling the report? I haven't tried pulling the Product Partition report in 
multiple languages, so having your example would really help when I ask the 
engineers who created the report what they intended.

Nadine, AdWords API Team

On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 6:08:22 PM UTC-5, HK wrote:
> Hi,
> We just discovered that using the PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT (as a structure 
> report) instead of calling get() for AdGroupCriterionService to get product 
> groups, returns the condition, channel and channel exclusivity in the 
> language that matches the campaign's "country of sale" settings. *Is this 
> intentional?*
> As an example for conditions, I would think it should match the enum 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201509/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductCanonicalCondition.Condition>
> that the AdGroupCriterionService get call returns for the same campaign. 
> Otherwise we have to translate each one of the enum values for each of the 
> supported countries to match what AdGroupCriterionService returns. Also, 
> other values in the report are not translated to, in this case Polish, such 
> as partitionType's - "unit". and "subdivision". More importantly, in the UI 
> when working with product groups in the Polish campaign, it's showing 
> "New", "Used", etc and not the Polish equivalent the report uses. Here's an 
> example where "used" is translated to "używany":
> productGroup='* / condition = &quot;używany&quot;
> Here's one for "channel" for a Spanish campaign that I would expect to be 
> "local":
> productGroup='* / condition = * / channel = &quot;tiendas locales&quot;' 
> One more for "channel exclusivity in Spanish":
> productGroup='* / condition = * / channel = * / channel exclusivity = 
> &quot;canal único&quot;' 
> Thanks,
> Hans

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  • Condition, Chan... HK
    • Re: Condit... Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
      • Re: Co... HK
        • Re... Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
          • ... adwordsdev
            • ... Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
              • ... HK
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