Thank you for your reply Michael

Ok i've tried many keywords with diff date range and the default date range 
with the API is 12 month, like the keyword planner

Here is an other example ; 

i have try 20 keywords with the API  :

and the same 20 keyword with the same parameter with the keyword planner 

Many of the null result with the API give me 10 in the keyword planner but 
just many not all.

this evening i'll update this thread with the final result i have  with 
400k keywords : 200 k with  "pas cher" (cheap) extension and 200k (same 
keyword) with "occasion" (used)

i'm afraid of how many matches will be null and i don't understand why the 
result can be so often time at null with the API

Best regards,


Le vendredi 2 octobre 2015 11:32:30 UTC+2, Benjamin Thys a écrit :
> Hi
> i have a problem with Adwords api 
> i use it with the targertingideaservice with just one value needed 
> the search volume aka the average monthly searches on keyword planner
> selector.requestType = RequestType.STATS;
>                 selector.ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD;
>                 selector.requestedAttributeTypes = new[]
>                 {
>                 AttributeType.KEYWORD_TEXT,
>                 AttributeType.SEARCH_VOLUME
>             };
> Here is my problem, when i put a list in my program i have so often time 
> the soap response give me  a totalNumEntries at 0
> Here is an example ; 
> I put a keyword like this : "pare choc polo pas cher"
> with this soap request : 
> and unfortunatly i have this response ;
> and i have the same result when i retry and retry... with this keyword
> BUT when i passed the same keyword on the Keyword Planner manually he gave 
> me some result :
> pare choc polo pas cher  6600.
> more example ; 
> these example is for french keyword but did the same result for DE or UK 
> keyword
> (with api) (9999999 = 0 totalNumEntries)
> (manually with keyword planner)
> and its like too often time. Today I've put 100k keywords to process with 
> the api and 89k gave me a 0 totalNumEntries 
> but with the Keyword planner its like 45% return no result
> Can you explain me what i did wrong
> Thank you 
> Ben

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