
Within the last month we've seen an issue related to the order of elements 
in a response from a mutate operation 
being returned in the same order as those passed in the request. 
Specifically the extensions property of a Customer Extension Setting's 
Extension Setting 
is extremely problematic when creating new Extension Feed Items 
to the fact that in order to preserve existing Extension Feed Items on a 
CustomerExtensionSetting you are required to pass all extension feed items 
it has. This leads to there being no consistent way to identify which Feed 
Item we just created in the response.

This behavior of returning elements that are the result of a mutate 
operation in a different order in the response than specified in the 
request is not consistent with the multitude of AdWords API Services we've 
integrated with.

Any assistance on the matter would be greatly appreciated. This is an 
outstanding issue in our production environment.

I've attached a SOAP request and response outlining the above described 


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Attachment: CustomerExtensionSettingService.xml
Description: XML document

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