We've had no problems with our previous service account for about 1 year 
now. It still works fine, and we never had to add any AdWords scope to 
anything. It even worked locally without any issues which isn't a Google 
App.  And yes we need the service account, because managers of the AdWords 
MCC account are giving access to employees through our app and not letting 
them sign in to AdWords directly with their email. It's all just read-only 
reports, we aren't allowing them to create/modify anything through the API.

On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 8:59:00 AM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not aware of any recent changes to service account requirements -- 
> they have always required a Google Apps Domain as far back as I recall.
> Coming at this from a different angle, do you actually need service 
> account functionality, or could you simply use *offline* access as 
> described in the alternative to service accounts section of the guide 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/service-accounts#alt>
> ?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 8:41:37 AM UTC-4, Cory Shaw wrote:
>> The only way to use the API now with a service account is using a Google 
>> Apps domain paying for Google Apps users per month? It wasn't like that 
>> before. Plus how would this work with localhost and testing purposes? We 
>> don't need any of what Google Apps has to offer. We just want API access 
>> like before.
>> On Friday, August 21, 2015 at 5:13:01 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>> API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Did you also complete the Steps to granting a service account 
>>> impersonation abilities 
>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/service-accounts#impersonation>,
>>> using the new client ID?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>> On Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 4:11:04 PM UTC-4, Cory Shaw wrote:
>>>> We recently had to switch to a new manager account for AdWords due to 
>>>> the domain of the email associated with the account. We have an in-house 
>>>> dashboard for our clients to sign in and visually see reports returned 
>>>> from 
>>>> the AdWords API. On our previous MCC account we were accepted to the API 
>>>> and had a working Developer Token and service account with .p12 key that 
>>>> successfully connects to the API. To fix our domain issue, we created a 
>>>> new 
>>>> MCC account that fit our domain problems. We then made our new MCC account 
>>>> a manager of our old MCC account, and then continued to add the rest of 
>>>> our 
>>>> clients to the new MCC account. 
>>>> After doing so we needed to fix our dashboard to use the new MCC's 
>>>> developer token and service account credentials. So we signed into the 
>>>> same 
>>>> email as our new MCC account and went to the Developer's Console and 
>>>> created a new service account. The same as we made our old MCC's service 
>>>> account. We switched our dashboard to use the new service account's 
>>>> credentials, p12 key, and Developer Token, then switched the Prn Email to 
>>>> match. Unfortunately, it is returning:
>>>> { 
>>>>    "Failed to get access token for service account. 
>>>>         { 
>>>>              "error" : "unauthorized_client",  
>>>>              "error_description" : "Unauthorized client or scope in 
>>>>> request." 
>>>>         } 
>>>> }
>>>> Our old Service Account worked immediately after we created it, but 
>>>> this is giving us trouble if we try to connect at all. Our settings are 
>>>> identical except for the credentials shown below:
>>>>             //OLD MCC
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).DeveloperToken = 
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2ClientId = "
>>>> OLDapps.googleusercontent.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) 
>>>> _user.Config).OAuth2ServiceAccountEmail = "
>>>> o...@developer.gserviceaccount.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2PrnEmail = "
>>>> o...@gmail.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2CertificatePath = 
>>>> AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory") + "/OLD.p12";
>>>>             //NEW MCC
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).DeveloperToken = 
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2ClientId = "
>>>> NEW.apps.googleusercontent.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) 
>>>> _user.Config).OAuth2ServiceAccountEmail = "
>>>> n...@developer.gserviceaccount.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2PrnEmail = "
>>>> n...@gmail.com";
>>>>             ((AdWordsAppConfig) _user.Config).OAuth2CertificatePath = 
>>>> AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory") + "/NEW.p12"; 
>>>> I made the New MCC's developer console IDENTICAL to the old MCC's 
>>>> developer console, and still no luck. I checked to make sure the new .p12 
>>>> file exists and it does. I'm stumped.
>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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