What is the current status of the FINAL_URL_REPORT ?  All of my destination 
Urls were upgraded to FinalUrls on 8/15 and the destination Url report no 
longer works. Either I'm getting the field parameters wrong for the 
FINAL_URL_REPORT or it isn't active yet?

I'm curious, is there another report call that allows you to grab all of 
this data : "AdGroupId", "AdGroupName", "CampaignId", "CampaignName", 
"Clicks", "Cost", "CriteriaParameters", "Ctr", "Date", 
"EffectiveDestinationUrl", "Impressions".  In other words, do you find the 
DESTINATION_URL_REPORT and FINAL_URL_REPORT to now be redundant and that's 
why there is no active replacement?


On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 9:36:29 AM UTC-5, Umesh Dengale wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> You can export the ad statistics to excel which will have the final URL 
> columns (Final URL, Mobile final URL, Tracking template etc.) in the 
> AdWords product side. The finalUrls field can be selected using the value 
> "CreativeFinalUrls" in reports (e.g. AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/ad-performance-report#creativefinalurls>
> ). We will post an update for FINAL_URL_REPORT on our blog 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHwv1GKci0tmVJ317egsXhwEszqBw>
>  when 
> this report is live.
> Thanks,
> Umesh, AdWords API Team.

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