Hello Ronak,

This list is created by AdWords when the tags get actually served on the 
target site. It can't be created until tags are in place.

It doesn't make much sense to create campaign before tags were created -- 
it will be an empty list and the campaign will never be served anyway.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 8:22:53 PM UTC+2, MCC Test wrote:
> Hello Danial,
> Thank you for the response.Yes I agree that "All visitors" tag is 
> automatically created from adwords.But however I am working on creating a 
> remarkerting campaigns via adwords api and assign the "All visitors" tag to 
> adgroups.So Consider a scenario that if someone has created a new fresh 
> adwords account and he has not yet set up the remarketing tags from adwords 
> UI and If I try to create the remarketing campaign via api it will not 
> create because the user has not set up the remarketing tags.So it seems 
> like until users don't set up the remarketing tag I could not create a 
> remarketing campaign for  them.
> I just created a new adwords account and when I call the 
> "AdwordsUserListService" get() operation I get zero entries and so I has to 
> login to adwords and set up the tag.So is there any way that if "All 
> visitors" tag is not created I can create that via adwords API, is it 
> possibe via API?
> Thanks,
> Ronak Shah
> On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 9:07:54 PM UTC+5:30, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>> Hi Ronak,
>> The "All Visitors" list should automatically be created once you've put 
>> tags on your site. See this thread for more details and screenshots:
>> https://www.en.adwords-community.com/t5/Advanced-Features/No-all-visitors-remarketing-list/td-p/434436
>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>> On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 8:51:05 PM UTC+2, MCC Test wrote:
>>> Hello Adwords API Team,
>>> I want to know that is it possible to add "All Visitors" audience via 
>>> Adwords API, if its not set up for any accounts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ronak Shah

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