In the new version of the API, when using AdHoc reports, data for artifacts 
that are marked removed is not included by default, even if they had 
impressions, clicks etc. in the chosen date range. This makes the reports 
incorrect. If an entity was active in the past, its statistics should be 
included, irrespective of whether it is active or not now. 

This also makes me wonder - when I ask for an account performance report, 
would it not include data for campaigns that were deleted? Or, it would? 
Both cases create a discrepancy - the first one is obviously wrong, and in 
the second one, the campaign report does not add up to the account 
performance report, unless the special condition is included.

This particular change in behavior has made the transition to the new 
version of the API particularly painful, and I have to remember to include 
"WHERE CampaignStatus IN [ACTIVE, PAUSED, REMOVED]" in all my awqls. It 
probably makes sense for most services, but not for reporting stats.

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