Hi Greg,

Yes, we fixed the issue at our end, and went live by Monday. You can 
continue relying on this field, the IsRestrict column getting removed was 
an issue at our end rather than a sunset. Apologies for any issues this may 
have caused you.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 11:03:21 PM UTC+5:30, GregT wrote:
> Anash,
> It looks like it is working for us again today with the audience 
> performance report (although it's possible it's just back to being an 
> intermittent issue and we haven't hit a failure yet), and it is showing up 
> again in calls to ReportDefinitionService.getReportFields() .  Did you guys 
> fix the issue, and we should be able to rely on this again?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 5:47:28 AM UTC-6, Mark wrote:
>> Facing same issue with placement performance report with IsRestrict field.
>> On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 1:55:12 PM UTC+5:30, Anash P. Oommen 
>> (AdWords API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> I'll take a look, but meanwhile, please continue making API calls after 
>>> excluding the IsRestrict column.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>> On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:57:39 AM UTC+5:30, GregT wrote:
>>>> Every audience performance report for us is now failing with this 
>>>> error.  I see that ReportDefinitionService.getReportFields() no longer 
>>>> returns the IsRestrict field (though it still exists in the documentation 
>>>> that lists the report types, and worked fine up until a week ago).  Could 
>>>> someone from Google please look into this?  It's causing a number of 
>>>> issues 
>>>> for us.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Greg
>>>> On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:27:07 PM UTC-6, GregT wrote:
>>>>> Today, in the process that uses this report extensively for a number 
>>>>> of clients, it looks like all the calls failed.
>>>>> FYI,
>>>>> Greg
>>>>> On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 11:53:27 AM UTC-6, GregT wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Starting on January 15th, we've been getting intermittent failures 
>>>>>> when running the audience performance report, complaining about the 
>>>>>> IsRestrict field included in the list of fields to download.  The same 
>>>>>> code 
>>>>>> has worked for many months, and is now failing roughly 1/7 of the time 
>>>>>> (e.g. on the 18th, 25 of 185 calls failed, on the 19th, 29 of 198 calls 
>>>>>> failed).  The field is also still listed as an available field in the 
>>>>>> reporting documentation.  It does not seem to be dependent on which 
>>>>>> client 
>>>>>> account we call against, as an automated test against a single API test 
>>>>>> account fails at roughly the same ratio (it seems to happen a little 
>>>>>> more 
>>>>>> often than against the production accounts, but I doubt it's 
>>>>>> significant).
>>>>>> Here's the logs from an example yesterday that succeeded in 
>>>>>> production:
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:25,620 INFO report_download - Request made: POST 
>>>>>> https://adwords.google.com//api/adwords/reportdownload/v201409
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:25,620 INFO report_download - accept-encoding: [gzip]
>>>>>> authorization: REDACTED
>>>>>> user-agent: <I redacted>
>>>>>> developertoken: REDACTED
>>>>>> clientcustomerid: <I redacted>
>>>>>> Parameters:
>>>>>> __rdxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" 
>>>>>> standalone="yes"?><reportDefinition xmlns:ns2="
>>>>>> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201409";><ns2:selector><ns2:fields>Id</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>AdGroupId</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>Status</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>Criteria</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>BidModifier</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>IsNegative</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>IsRestrict</ns2:fields><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>Status</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>ENABLED</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>AdGroupStatus</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>ENABLED</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>IsNegative</ns2:field><ns2:operator>EQUALS</ns2:operator><ns2:values>false</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>AdGroupId</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>15084375862</ns2:values><ns2:values>3641035222</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>CampaignId</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>57267742</ns2:values></ns2:predicates></ns2:selector><ns2:reportName>AUDIENCE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
>>>>>> for all 
>>>>>> time</ns2:reportName><ns2:reportType>AUDIENCE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT</ns2:reportType><ns2:dateRangeType>ALL_TIME</ns2:dateRangeType><ns2:downloadFormat>GZIPPED_CSV</ns2:downloadFormat><ns2:includeZeroImpressions>true</ns2:includeZeroImpressions></reportDefinition>
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:25,621 INFO report_download - Response received with 
>>>>>> status code 200 and message: OK
>>>>>> Here's an example that failed immediately after (report run by the 
>>>>>> exact same code, just a different selection of ad groups and campaign):
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:34,294 WARN report_download - Request made: POST 
>>>>>> https://adwords.google.com//api/adwords/reportdownload/v201409
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:34,294 WARN report_download - accept-encoding: [gzip]
>>>>>> authorization: REDACTED
>>>>>> user-agent: <I redacted>
>>>>>> developertoken: REDACTED
>>>>>> clientcustomerid: <I redacted>
>>>>>> Parameters:
>>>>>> __rdxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" 
>>>>>> standalone="yes"?><reportDefinition xmlns:ns2="
>>>>>> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201409";><ns2:selector><ns2:fields>Id</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>AdGroupId</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>Status</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>Criteria</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>BidModifier</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>IsNegative</ns2:fields><ns2:fields>IsRestrict</ns2:fields><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>Status</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>ENABLED</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>AdGroupStatus</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>ENABLED</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>IsNegative</ns2:field><ns2:operator>EQUALS</ns2:operator><ns2:values>false</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>AdGroupId</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>19045848602</ns2:values><ns2:values>19045828202</ns2:values><ns2:values>19252883882</ns2:values></ns2:predicates><ns2:predicates><ns2:field>CampaignId</ns2:field><ns2:operator>IN</ns2:operator><ns2:values>258376442</ns2:values></ns2:predicates></ns2:selector><ns2:reportName>AUDIENCE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
>>>>>> for all 
>>>>>> time</ns2:reportName><ns2:reportType>AUDIENCE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT</ns2:reportType><ns2:dateRangeType>ALL_TIME</ns2:dateRangeType><ns2:downloadFormat>GZIPPED_CSV</ns2:downloadFormat><ns2:includeZeroImpressions>true</ns2:includeZeroImpressions></reportDefinition>
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:34,294 WARN report_download - Response received with 
>>>>>> status code 400 and message: Bad Request
>>>>>> 01-19-15 12:07:34,299 ERROR HTTP Response Code: 400, FieldPath: 
>>>>>> IsRestrict, Type: ReportDefinitionError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME_FOR_REPORT

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