Hello Adam,

I will check with the team about why this change may have occurred. To me, 
it looks like it should still be valid.

Mike, Adwords API Team

On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:20:11 AM UTC-5, Adam Orczyk wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that in last days validation of trackingUrlTemplate field has 
> changed. Thre days ago we were able to send trackingUrlsTemplate of the form 
> '{ifnotmobile:
> http://some.url.com
> }{ifmobile:{unescapedlpurl}}' (example 
> requestId=00050dde3459e2800aec5068fa006de2), now when sending this we are 
> getting error UrlError.INVALID_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE from API and 'URL should 
> start either from protocol (http:// or https://) or from URL tag ({lpurl})' 
> in AdWords UI. Is this correct behavior ? Where can we find detailed 
> validation rules for trackingUrlTemplate ?
> Regards,
> Adam

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