Hi Assaf,

You have two options for this:

1. If ads have served with the sitelinks, then you can use the 
to see the feed item IDs of the sitelinks that have served with each 
campaign by including the *FeedItemId* and *CampaignId* fields in your 
report request, and filtering to rows where *PlaceholderType* is *1*.

2. If ads have not served with the sitelinks, then you'll have to retrieve 
the CampaignFeed 
using CampaignFeedService 
and then inspect the matchingFunction 
the returned object to extract the ConstantOperand 
containing the feed item IDs. This would look something like this in Java:

      Selector selector = new SelectorBuilder()
           .fields("CampaignId", "FeedId", "MatchingFunction", 
"PlaceholderTypes", "Status")
           .equals("CampaignId", "*YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID**"*)
           .equals("Status", "ENABLED")
           .containsAll("PlaceholderTypes", "1")
      // Use CampaignFeedService.get to retrieve the CampaignFeed using the 
above Selector.
      CampaignFeedServiceInterface campaignFeedService = 
adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignFeedServiceInterface.class);
      CampaignFeed campaignFeed = 

      // Inspect the matchingFunction to get the feed item IDs.
      Function matchingFunction = campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction();
      List<Long> feedItemIds = Lists.newArrayList();
      for (FunctionArgumentOperand operand : 
matchingFunction.getRhsOperand()) {
        ConstantOperand constantOperand = (ConstantOperand) operand;
      System.out.printf("Feed ID is %d, ids are: %s%n", 
campaignFeed.getFeedId(), feedItemIds);

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 3:29:54 PM UTC-5, assaf wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed closely with the AddSiteLinks /UpdateSiteLinks examples but 
> still have an issue fully implementing getting campaign site links.
> 1. FeedMappingServiceInterface - Create Map for each FeedMappingID and 
> it's placeholder type.
> 2. FeedItemServiceInterface - Created a list of FeedItemID (called 
> siteLinkItemIDs) that their feedMappingID is of placeholder type 1 (from 
> the Map in #1)
> 3. CampaignFeedServiceInterface - got the Feed ID and matching Function. 
> -> here I got stuck - not sure how to user the Matching function to
>    get the actual site link details .
> Is there any example for the "get" implementation? 
> Help is greatly appreciated.
> This is how far I got:
>                            Function f = campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction(); 
> // 
> this is from campaignFeedService
>            RequestContextOperand requestContextOperand = new 
> RequestContextOperand();
> requestContextOperand.setContextType(RequestContextOperandContextType.FEED_ITEM_ID);
>             Function feedItemFunction = new Function();
>             feedItemFunction.setLhsOperand(new FunctionArgumentOperand[] 
> {requestContextOperand});
>             feedItemFunction.setOperator(FunctionOperator.IN);
>             List<FunctionArgumentOperand> operands = new 
> ArrayList<FunctionArgumentOperand>();
>             for (long feedItemId : siteLinkItemIDs) {
>               ConstantOperand constantOperand = new ConstantOperand();
>               constantOperand.setLongValue(feedItemId);
>               constantOperand.setType(ConstantOperandConstantType.LONG);
>               operands.add(constantOperand);
>             }
>             feedItemFunction.setRhsOperand(operands.toArray(new 
> FunctionArgumentOperand[operands.size()])); 
>                             FunctionOperand feedItemFunctionOperand = new 
> FunctionOperand();
>             feedItemFunctionOperand.setValue(feedItemFunction);
>                             Function combinedFunction = new Function();
>             combinedFunction.setOperator(FunctionOperator.AND);
>             combinedFunction.setLhsOperand(
>                 new FunctionArgumentOperand[] {feedItemFunctionOperand});
>             CampaignFeed campaignFeed2 = new CampaignFeed();
>             campaignFeed2.setFeedId(feedId);
>             campaignFeed2.setCampaignId(campaignId);
>             campaignFeed2.setMatchingFunction(combinedFunction);
>                             campaignFeed2.setPlaceholderTypes(new int[] 
>             CampaignFeedOperation operation = new CampaignFeedOperation();
>             operation.setOperand(campaignFeed2);
>             operation.setOperator(Operator.ADD);
> Thanks for any help.
> Assaf

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