
Thanks for your response. If I modify the GetCampaignFeeds method to return 
all the FeedIDs (i.e not filtering on FeedID) is there anyway to know which 
FeedIDs correspond to sitelinks?


On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:23:50 AM UTC, Visar wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a little trouble using the API to retrieve structural data on 
> sitelinks within an account. What I'm looking to do is to construct a list 
> of which sitelinks belong to which campaigns (this is unavailable in the 
> reports due to the lack of Zero Impressions support).
> Ideally data which could be placed into a table of the form:
> CampaignID   SitelinkID
> 0000000001   1123412
> 0000000001   1232349
> 0000000002   2342342
> etc..
> Given that I have an exhaustive list of all the campaign IDs and sitelink 
> IDs (as placeholder feed item IDs), could someone please illustrate how 
> this could be done, i.e which services to use and how to actually use them. 
> Please be as detailed as possible. I'm currently using PHP but can work 
> with any language.
> Cheers

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