Hi Berry,

Why not retrieve all campaign negative criterion where CriteriaType = PLACEMENT 
and PlacementUrl contains xxx using the CampaignCriterionService? That 
should give you the ids, and you can delete the criterion to unexclude the 
placements. See 
for details.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Sunday, September 7, 2014 12:38:06 PM UTC-4, Berry Tsakala wrote:
> Hi again
> I'd like to UN-excluding some placements, via API.
> They were excluded either manually or via API's "negative campaign 
> criterion" (see code below).
> As far as i know now (which is why I ask), unxcluding a placement would be 
> by removing the criterion in which it's 'negatively' defined. 
> But I don't always have the Criterion Id to use for deleting that 
> criterion.
> 1. Can I un-exclude placement only by "PlacementUrl" ?
> 2. Otherwise, how can I get the negative criterion by it's Placement URL ?
> I tried "select Id, CriteriaDestinationUrl, FinalMobileUrl, FinalUrls from 
> CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT during 20140820,20140905", which gave errors
> I tried "select Id, CriteriaDestinationUrl from 
> CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT during 20140820,20140905", but that returned 
> only Criterion Ids, not the placement URLS ...
> here's How I exclude placemnets via API:
> operations = [ {
>                 'operator': 'ADD',
>                 'operand': {
>                     'xsi_type': 'NegativeCampaignCriterion',
>                     'campaignId': campaign_id,
>                     'criterion': {
>                         'xsi_type': 'MobileApplication',   # 
>                         'appId': placement_url,
>                     },
>                 }
>             }, ]
> Enter code here...
> (and thank you for helping me with the previous questions 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/adwords-api/vrBUWZmQ6z4/UQqBs_n793gJ>
> )

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