Hi all,

I've inherited a some code that recently used ClientLogin and needs to work 
with Oauth2. I've been rummaging through the documentation, like at 
https://github.com/googleads/googleads-perl-lib/wiki/Using-OAuth-2.0 and 
using Perl client 2.17 but struggling to understand what I need to set up. 
Firstly its to be used for a server to automate communication with adwords 
to check various campaigns etc, so I'm assuming Service Account is what 
seems applicable.

I'm looking at adwords.properties, and have set up a project 
at console.developers.google.com (I've also generated a P12 key, converted 
and uploaded)

I'm a bit confused about several parts. Service Accounts in the 
documentation seems to imply it needs a oAuth2ClientSecret, however in the 
console login it only seems to provide Client Id, Email-Address, 
Fingerprints when I select that. So first question is, is a clientSecret 
needed for service accounts (and if so, why isn't it displayed, or where do 
I get it)? 

In Adwords, we have a Master Account with one client id, and then also a 
client id per domain account. Should I be setting clientId in 
adwords.properties with the master account clientId, or domain account 
clientId ?

Currently in adwords.properties I have...

clientId=xxx-xxx-xxxx (master clientId but have tried domain clientId, not 
sure which is correct)

oAuth2ServiceAccountDelegateEmail=em...@mydomain.com  (tried master email 
and domain email)

When I try and run anything it displays ""error_description" : "Invalid 
impersonation prn email address.". Does it need something from 
http://www.google.com/enterprise/apps/business/ for example ?

Apologies for the long mail, wondering if anyone can help me understand how 
to get this working, as I'm not finding the process clear. (any examples 
would be greatly appreciated).

Many thanks,


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