
The non-reporting services such as ConversionTrackerService do not provide 
stats. To retrieve stats like clicks, impressions, CPC, etc., you'll want 
to use the reporting service. Some helpful links on that service are:

   - Basics 
   - Reporting concepts 
   - Code sample 
   for using XML-based report definitions
   - Code sample 
   using AWQL 
   report definitions
Josh, AdWords API Team

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 8:12:58 AM UTC-4, Harrold de Boer wrote:
> I am trying to use the API to retrieve reporting data from AdWords like 
> Clicks/Impressions/CPC and such but I am having a hard time finding out 
> exactly which method to use and how.
> The making of an AdWordUser in C# and setting up all the authentication 
> with the OAuth2 Client ID/Secret is all explained very well and works for 
> me fine. But now I am stuck with my authenticated setup but no good way to 
> pull data from API.
> I tried looking at the examples but using the ReportUtilities to download 
> reports was not helpful since all the methods are deprecated.
> I am trying to look into using the services to retrieve data from it in 
> the following way:
> ConversionTrackerService service = 
> (ConversionTrackerService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201406.ConversionTrackerService);
> Selector selector = new Selector();
> selector.fields = new string[] { "Id" };
> ConversionTrackerPage page = service.get(selector);
> But this results in a null value for the entries.
> I also found about the HTTP Requests in the  documentation but I don't 
> know how to call that from C# since there is no clear tutorial on it. 
> Can anyone offer me some help with this?

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