Thanks for looking into this.

For examples, we already see that the Merchant Center Category "Animals &
Pet Supplies" is different from the Product Bidding Category "Animals". In
merchant center, there is a "Live Animals" category on the second level
where Product bidding category does not have this sub-category. Pet
supplies is found on the second level in the Product Bidding Category, and
in the merchant center side, this is sub-category is part of the top level
category. So it isn't just naming that is different, in some cases, they
can be organized completely differently as well.

Another difference is the Merchant center categories can go down 7 levels
deep where as the product bidding category only goes down 5 levels. We were
going through both taxonomies on Thrusday and Friday and found numerous
small naming differences. One easy example is that Merchant center calls it
"Soda" and Product Bidding Category calls it "Pop" (did someone from the
mid-west make the product bidding categories?).

For feed upload, these differences don't make a difference since you guys
seem to be resolving from one taxonomy to the other. But if we start
migrating some of our clients to API upload, don't we have to start using
ProductBiddingCategory? If we have a mapping from one to the other, it'd
save us a lot of time and worry maintaining the mappings in case either
side changes.

Jonathan Wu

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:40 AM, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) <> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> It looks like the Google Product Taxonomy is a static list, so it is
> *possible* that it's outdated, but I'm still looking to confirm that.
> I'll post back here when I have more information on that front.
> I'm curious -- do you have specific examples where *Merchant Center* shows
> products in a category that is not returned by
> ConstantDataService.getProductBiddingCategoryData
> <>,
> or vice versa? If so, could you send me screenshots from *Merchant Center* and
> ad group/criterion ID pairs where you see this occurring?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, July 24, 2014 3:17:37 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Wu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are getting into using the adwords api to automate building shopping
>> campaigns for our clients. We just recently found that the Google
>> Product Taxonomy
>> <> which the
>> feeds use for categorization are different from the Product Bidding
>> Categories
>> <>
>>  used
>> in the API. Why was this done? You guys must have some kind of mapping from
>> one to the other since you are receiving the items with the product
>> taxonomy and taking bids with the product bidding category. Can you provide
>> us with that mapping? If this is not possible, the API really is limited in
>> any practical use since we can't create any automation for our clients
>> without making our own mapping that will need to be updated when you change
>> anything on either side.
>> Regards,
>> Jonathan
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