Perfect for us !


On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:42:49 AM UTC+2, Andreas Weber wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> works for me - thanks!
> Can you provide additional information, e.g the nature of the issue, 
> reason why it occured and how it was fixed? 
> Many thanks,
> Andy
> Am Montag, 14. Juli 2014 19:46:44 UTC+2 schrieb Ray Tsang (AdWords API 
> Team):
>> Hey guys - please give this another try.
>> Thanks!
>> On Monday, July 7, 2014 10:52:42 AM UTC-4, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the details!  We are on this.
>>> Ray
>>> On Thursday, July 3, 2014 9:02:34 AM UTC-4, Andreas Weber wrote:
>>>> Hi Ray, 
>>>> since yesterday we encounter a similar problem with a different 
>>>> account. I'll send you the raw request in private.
>>>> Let me know if you need anything more from my side to do some research 
>>>> on the origin of the problem.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andy
>>>> Am Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014 17:10:04 UTC+2 schrieb Andreas Weber:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> while trying to fetch all campaign criteria for a certain campaign 
>>>>> we've encountered an internal server error.
>>>>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
>>>>>>                    xmlns:ns1="
>>>>>> <SOAP-ENV:Header>
>>>>>>     <ns1:RequestHeader>
>>>>>>         <ns1:clientCustomerId>XXX</ns1:clientCustomerId>
>>>>>>         <ns1:developerToken>XXX</ns1:developerToken>
>>>>>>         <ns1:userAgent>XXX-2013-php-4.6.1 (AwApi-PHP/5.2.3, 
>>>>>>> Common-PHP/5.2.3, PHP/5.4.9-4ubuntu2.4)
>>>>>>         </ns1:userAgent>
>>>>>>     </ns1:RequestHeader>
>>>>>> </SOAP-ENV:Header>
>>>>>> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>>>>>     <ns1:get>
>>>>>>         <ns1:serviceSelector>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Address</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>AgeRangeType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Argument</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>BidModifier</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>CampaignId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>CarrierCountryCode</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>CarrierName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>ContentLabelType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>CriteriaType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>DayOfWeek</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>DeviceName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>DeviceType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Dimensions</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>DisplayName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>DisplayType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>EndHour</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>EndMinute</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>GenderType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>GeoPoint</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Id</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>IsNegative</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>KeywordMatchType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>KeywordText</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>LanguageCode</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>LanguageName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>LocationName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>ManufacturerName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>MatchingFunction</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>MobileAppCategoryId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Operand</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>OperatingSystemName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>OperatorType</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>OsMajorVersion</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>OsMinorVersion</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>ParentLocations</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Path</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>PlacementUrl</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>PlatformName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>RadiusDistanceUnits</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>RadiusInUnits</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>StartHour</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>StartMinute</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>TargetingStatus</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>Text</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>UserInterestId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>UserInterestName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>UserListId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>UserListMembershipStatus</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>UserListName</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>VerticalId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:fields>VerticalParentId</ns1:fields>
>>>>>>             <ns1:predicates>
>>>>>>                 <ns1:field>CampaignId</ns1:field>
>>>>>>                 <ns1:operator>EQUALS</ns1:operator>
>>>>>>                 <ns1:values>XXX</ns1:values>
>>>>>>             </ns1:predicates>
>>>>>>             <ns1:paging>
>>>>>>                 <ns1:startIndex>1000</ns1:startIndex>
>>>>>>                 <ns1:numberResults>1000</ns1:numberResults>
>>>>>>             </ns1:paging>
>>>>>>         </ns1:serviceSelector>
>>>>>>     </ns1:get>
>>>>>> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>>>>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>>>>> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";>
>>>>>     <soap:Header>
>>>>>         <ResponseHeader xmlns="
>>>>>             <requestId>0004fc095ff343f00aec56aaa40016dc</requestId>
>>>>>             <serviceName>CampaignCriterionService</serviceName>
>>>>>             <methodName>get</methodName>
>>>>>             <operations>0</operations>
>>>>>             <responseTime>504</responseTime>
>>>>>         </ResponseHeader>
>>>>>     </soap:Header>
>>>>>     <soap:Body>
>>>>>         <soap:Fault>
>>>>>             <faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode>
>>>>>             <faultstring>Cannot construct an instance of
>>>>>                 because it is abstract. You are probably missing an 
>>>>>> @Uses annotation while invoking public abstract
>>>>>                 throws
>>>>>                 with params
>>>>>> [].
>>>>>             </faultstring>
>>>>>         </soap:Fault>
>>>>>     </soap:Body>
>>>>> </soap:Envelope>
>>>>> POST /api/adwords/cm/v201402/CampaignCriterionService?access_token=XXX 
>>>>>> HTTP/1.1
>>>>> Host:
>>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>>>> User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.4.9-4ubuntu2.4, gzip
>>>>> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
>>>>> Content-Encoding: gzip
>>>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
>>>>> SOAPAction: ""
>>>>> Content-Length: 870
>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
>>>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
>>>>> Content-Encoding: gzip
>>>>> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:58:22 GMT
>>>>> Expires: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:58:22 GMT
>>>>> Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
>>>>> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
>>>>> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
>>>>> X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
>>>>> Content-Length: 506
>>>>> Server: GSE
>>>>> If you need more information, we can provide the used ids.
>>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>>> Andy 

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