Hi Christian,

I'm a little concerned about the manageability of so many campaigns and the 
ad group-per product approach. I also found that there's a limit of 20,000 
product partitions per campaign (noted here 

Have you considered using a CampaignCriterion with criterion type 
filter products at the campaign level (also described in our Shopping 
Campaigns Guide 
This could greatly reduce the number of ad groups per campaign and may make 
your campaigns more manageable. What I'm envisioning is something like this 
for your 100,000 products:

1. Create 5 (or more) campaigns to ensure you stay under the 20,000 
*ProductPartitions* per campaign limit.
2. On each campaign, add a *ProductScope* (which can be based on up to 7 
different ProductDimension 
limit the number of products in each campaign to < 20,000.
3. Create one or more ad groups per campaign, each consisting of a set of 
-based ProductPartition 
I don't see much benefit in multiple ad groups here unless you want to 
split up the products for other purposes besides managing the bids.

This approach assumes that your products have attributes that will allow 
you to perform the high level filtering in step 2.

Note that the advantages of the tree-based bidding structure of new 
shopping campaigns is that you don't have to set up such fine-grained bids, 
and the "other" category at each leaf node lets you set bids for anything 
that falls outside of the specific *ProductPartitions* you created (the 
ones with a value).

Best regards,
Josh, AdWords API Team

On Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:22:20 AM UTC-4, Christian wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> thanks for your feedback. We are also aware of the limitation of ad groups 
> per campaign, but we already deal with that fact by creating multiple 
> campaigns for a product feed if the number of products exceeds the limit.
> According to the linked answer, I cannot see any problems concerning the 
> display of product ads when using the one-adgroup-per-product approach for 
> shopping campaigns. Please let me know if I am wrong here.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> On Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:27:48 AM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> I'll get back to you with a more complete answer, but one issue that 
>> immediately comes to mind with the solution below is that you'll quickly 
>> exceed the limits on the number of ad groups per campaign (currently 
>> 20,000).
>> https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1704396
>> Best regards,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 3:24:53 AM UTC-4, Christian wrote:
>>> Hi Josh,
>>> we would like to set up shopping campaigns for quite large product feed 
>>> (e.g. 100000 products). Here we are facing limitation issues (concerning 
>>> the number product partitions per ad group) because we would like to set up 
>>> our shopping campaigns with a 1-to-1 mapping, i.e. one partition for one 
>>> product using the dimension ProductOfferId. We are aware of the fact that 
>>> other dimensions are available too, but still the direct mapping is the 
>>> best choice for us.
>>> Now for the limitation, we plan to work around this problem by creating 
>>> one ad group per product, each with two product partitions: a biddable one 
>>> for the corresponding product ID and a negative one for all other products. 
>>> From the theory that sounds like it should work. However, I'd be interested 
>>> if you see any issues concerning the functionality of shopping campaigns.
>>> I'm looking forward to hear your feedback on this issue.
>>> Best,
>>> Christian
>>> On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:50:18 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>>> Team) wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> AFAIK, the limits on the # of ProductPartition 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductPartition>s
>>>> in your accounts/adgroups/campaigns is dictated by the same limits AdWords 
>>>> uses for other types of criteria, as documented here:
>>>> https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1704396 (expand the *AdWords 
>>>> account limits *section)
>>>> You may find the Shopping Campaigns Guide 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/shopping> and PLA 
>>>> to Shopping Campaigns Migration Guide 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/shopping-migration> 
>>>> helpful 
>>>> if you're making this transition. In Shopping Campaigns, you *can* set 
>>>> up bidding by item/offer ID using ProductOfferId 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductOfferId>
>>>>  criteria 
>>>> on your AdGroupCriterion objects, but that would result in a fairly large 
>>>> number of criteria. If you don't actually need to bid separately on a 
>>>> per-item basis, Shopping Campaigns let you define your product partition 
>>>> tree using a variety of ProductDimension 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductDimension>s
>>>> so you could, for example, set up bidding by ProductCondition or 
>>>> ProductBiddingCategory. The guides I mentioned go into this in more detail.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:26:56 PM UTC-4, Chuck Reeves wrote:
>>>>> Currently we create keywords for each product and set a bid on that 
>>>>> keyword.  Now that we need to update to a shopping campaign, and the 
>>>>> process looks a little different.  It looks like the way that this needs 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> be done, is by creating a Product Group that is filtering by the Id/SKU 
>>>>> we 
>>>>> want.  Is there a limit to the number of product groups that an ad group 
>>>>> can have? if so how many?

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