yes this is the error we get. the code seems fine since it also worked 
perfectly in the former version, we encounter it only now when updating to 
the new googleads version. up until now it worked fine. since the update it 
doesn't work, other modules and codes work fine, and the structure of the 
model seems the same, + we do the call exactly according to the structure 
as i showed in the printing of the selector with the bid predicate. 

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 6:27:48 PM UTC+3, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) 
> Yaniv,
> The log looks like the API has returned a proper response.  The error 
> message is "2014-07-08 07:42:45;ERROR;Main: Error with adwords or mysql: 
> Type not found: 'bid'".  This seems to be a custom error message not from 
> the client library.  Please verify the code.
> Thanks,
> Ray
> On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 5:20:39 AM UTC-4, Yaniv wrote:
>> Alright, I sent
>> On Monday, July 7, 2014 6:16:10 PM UTC+3, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) 
>> wrote:
>>> Yaniv,
>>> Please send me the full request/response XML in private (reply to 
>>> author).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ray
>>> On Monday, July 7, 2014 11:10:00 AM UTC-4, Yaniv wrote:
>>>>  for some reason i get an error of:  Type not found: 'bid'
>>>> operations = [{
>>>>         'operator': 'SET',
>>>>         'operand': {
>>>>             'id': adgid,
>>>>             'biddingStrategyConfiguration': {
>>>>               'bids': [
>>>>                   {
>>>>                   'Bids_Type': "CpcBid",
>>>>                   'bid': {
>>>>                     'ComparableValue_Type': "Money",
>>>>                     'microAmount': str(newbid)
>>>>                   },
>>>>                   'cpcBidSource': "ADGROUP"}]
>>>>               }
>>>>         }
>>>>     }]
>>>>     ad_groups = adgroup_service.mutate(operations)
>>>>     # Display results.
>>>>     for ad_group in ad_groups['value']:
>>>> ('Ad group with name \'%s\' and id \'%s\' was 
>>>> updated.'
>>>>              % (ad_group['name'], ad_group['id']))
>>>> -----------
>>>> now when i print the selector with the bid predicate, it seems like 
>>>> there is no reason he shouldn't find the bid type.
>>>> [(AdGroup){
>>>>    id = ***********
>>>>    biddingStrategyConfiguration =
>>>>       (BiddingStrategyConfiguration){
>>>>          bids[] =
>>>>             (CpcBid){
>>>>                Bids.Type = "CpcBid"
>>>>                bid =
>>>>                   (Money){
>>>>                      ComparableValue.Type = "Money"
>>>>                      microAmount = 310000
>>>>                   }
>>>>                cpcBidSource = "ADGROUP"
>>>>             },
>>>>       }
>>>>  }]
>>>> what could be the problem?
>>>> i am able to modify bids on the criteria level but im trying to so in 
>>>> the adgroup level. 

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