I have been asked by my company to create and auto download script for the 
total adWord cost per day for importing into one of our internal systems 
for reporting purposes.

So far, just trying to setup the authentication, and all of the various 
test accounts / services has been a complete nightmare.
I will be setting this all up using PHP as requested, but I have been 
unable to find any good docs for completing this task.

Rather than mess up my companies production adWords account(s), I have been 
using my personal accounts (which aren't very active) to sort out this 
complicated mess. Once I have all of the various google account / api / 
token / info requirements gathered, I will then be using this to setup my 
companies accounts correctly.

1) I need an adWords account. Easy enough, I have one of those I can use 
(google / email account #1).

2nd) MCC. Never knew it existed. I understand now that it can be used for 
managing multiple adWords accounts. I still have to set one up, and it 
requires a new email address (email #2)

3rd) I now need a TEST MCC account (email #3!)
-- Now, I have not specifically seen anywhere that I will have to create 
"test adword" account, but it really seems like I will need to at this 
point (email #4?).

4th) adWord API Test account docs: 
These are extremely confusing docs. I showed this page to a couple other 
devs, and no one got it. They all feel sorry for me, and the task I have 
been given. To highlight a couple points from the page:
"Use the production MCC account's developer token when making requests 
againsts the test MCC account"
"You cannot link a test MCC account or a test AdWords account with a 
production MCC account, or vice versa"

One instruction specifically says use production info with test info, and 
the other point says you cannot do it.
Very unclear, and no examples are given of EXACTLY what is meant by this...

Anyway, next I somehow have managed to get past all of this scattered info, 
and (for now) have a valid refresh token via the google lib (using my still 
unapproved api token).
But I am now seeing this error:
$ php GetReportFields.php
An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; 

INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP? Really? Exactly what is incomplete?

I think the error is incomplete, not to mention the docs for setting up a 
testing environment...

Any help here would be appreciated, but what I really want is a pointer to 
a step by step guide in getting all of the account configuration data 
gathered, and exactly how many email accounts, and exactly what google 
service accounts I am going to need in order to even begin testing with 
these API's. Thank You

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