
It sounds like you are looking for historical or predicted statistics at an *ad 
group* level, but neither *TargetingIdeaService* nor 
*TrafficEstimatorService* will provide stats at the ad group level. 
*TargetingIdeaService* returns keyword or placement-level historical stats 
(depending on the 
the request), and *TrafficEstimatorService* returns keyword level stats 

Best regards,
Josh, AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:25:40 PM UTC-4, Scott Luther wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Now I see. For each Keyword we send to the TrafficEstimatorService API, we 
> get a "keywordEstimate" back. That's where the confusion was for me, 
> because when I first looked I must have missed the additional values in the 
> response.
> In any case, I'm still not quite sure how to determine how many people 
> it's estimated the ad will reach when three Keywords are targeted together. 
> Right now we're calculating an average based on the minimum and maximum on 
> a per-Keyword basis. Can I just calculate the average of each individual 
> keyword and add it all together to get an average for all keywords combined?
> On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:57:57 AM UTC-7, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> The API uses the provided search terms to get a list of all keywords 
>> related to those search terms. Whether a given keyword is related to one 
>> search term in your request or twenty, the anticipated volume for that 
>> keyword will be the same.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team

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