Great. Thanks for the update. 

- Takeshi, AdWords API Team

On Monday, February 10, 2014 10:22:11 PM UTC+9, Maurício Alves de Souza 
Oliveira wrote:
> Hello Takeshi,
> Yes, sorry about that.
> The problem is that we were getting the placement (via report) - along 
> with biddingStrategyType - and sending it back to the mutate service with 
> the bid alterations:
> (...)
> AdGroupCriterionPage adGroupCriterionPage = servico.get(selector);
> if (adGroupCriterionPage != null && adGroupCriterionPage.entries != null)
> {
> AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionPage.entries[0];
> (...)
> Creating a new BiddableAdGroupCriterion resolved the problem:
> (...)
> AdGroupCriterionPage adGroupCriterionPage = servico.get(selector);
> if (adGroupCriterionPage != null && adGroupCriterionPage.entries != null)
> {
>    AdGroupCriterion _adGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionPage.entries[0];
> BiddableAdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion()
> {
> adGroupId = _adGroupCriterion.adGroupId,
> criterion = new Criterion(){ id=}
> };
> adGroupCriterion.biddingStrategyConfiguration = new 
> BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
> (...)
> Problem solved!
> Appreciate your help :-)
> Cheers,
> Maurício
> Em segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2014 03h27min39s UTC-2, Takeshi 
> Hagikura (AdWords API Team) escreveu:
>> Hi Mauricio,
>> Your request still includes biddingStragetyType.  ( I saw 
>> pretty-request.xml)
>> Please try removing biddingStragetyType.
>> Best,
>> - Takeshi, AdWords API Team
>> On Friday, February 7, 2014 11:32:59 PM UTC+9, Maurício Alves de Souza 
>> Oliveira wrote:
>>> Hello, Takeshi
>>> All the logs (and the pretty xmls) are attached.
>>> This is only one example, other clients, adGroups and placements are 
>>> having the same behaviour.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Mauricio
>>> Em sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014 02h23min22s UTC-2, Takeshi 
>>> Hagikura (AdWords API Team) escreveu:
>>>> Hi Mauricio, 
>>>> Can you please share the request and response xmls? (please redact the 
>>>> sensitive info).
>>>> From my quick test, I'm able to update bids for a placement.
>>>> Best,
>>>> - Takeshi, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 7:43:55 AM UTC+9, Maurício Alves de 
>>>> Souza Oliveira wrote:
>>>>> Hello, Takeshi
>>>>> Thanks for your response.
>>>>> Unfortunately, no success. Same error.
>>>>> Code used: 
>>>>>  AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionPage.entries[0];
>>>>> CpcBid keywordMaxCpc = new CpcBid()
>>>>> {
>>>>> bid = new Money()
>>>>> {
>>>>> // Current CPC is 0.54, I'm trying to change to 0.53
>>>>> microAmount = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(test_newCpc * 1000000, 2))
>>>>> }
>>>>> };
>>>>> ((BiddableAdGroupCriterion)adGroupCriterion).biddingStrategyConfiguration.bids
>>>>> = new Bids[] { keywordMaxCpc };
>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordOperation = new 
>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation();
>>>>> keywordOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;
>>>>> keywordOperation.operand = adGroupCriterion;
>>>>> // throws the following exception:
>>>>> // 
>>>>> @ operations[0].operand.criterion]"}
>>>>> AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = servico.mutate(new 
>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { keywordOperation });
>>>>> Changing to contentBid from bid on CpcBid class throws the same error 
>>>>> too (Note that this is a Managed Placement) 
>>>>> Any other suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> Mauricio
>>>>> Em terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014 02h51min20s UTC-2, Takeshi 
>>>>> Hagikura (AdWords API Team) escreveu:
>>>>>> Hi Mauricio,
>>>>>> As in this 
>>>>>> document<>, 
>>>>>> BiddingSchem or BiddingStrategyType is not allowed to be set at the ad 
>>>>>> group or criterion level. 
>>>>>> Can you please remove the lines setting biddingStrategyType?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> - Takeshi, AdWords API Team
>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:41:55 AM UTC+9, Maurício Alves de 
>>>>>> Souza Oliveira wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I'm trying to change the Max CPC of a Managed Placement, but I got 
>>>>>>> stuck in the 
>>>>>>> regardless 
>>>>>>> of the alteration (getting the BiddableAdGroupCriterion and sending 
>>>>>>> it back throws the error).
>>>>>>> We're using v201309 API's version, and we can make the alteration 
>>>>>>> via UI.
>>>>>>> We're using the following code (this is only a lab I've done to 
>>>>>>> reproduce the error):
>>>>>>> AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
>>>>>>> using (AdGroupCriterionService servico = 
>>>>>>> (AdGroupCriterionService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupCriterionService))
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> servico.RequestHeader.clientCustomerId = 
>>>>>>> test_clientCustomerId.ToString();
>>>>>>> Selector selector = new Selector();
>>>>>>> selector.fields = new string[] { 
>>>>>>> "AdGroupId", "Id", "CriterionUse", "Status", "CpcBidSource" 
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> Predicate adGroupPredicate = new Predicate()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> field = "AdGroupId",
>>>>>>> @operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS,
>>>>>>> values = new string[] { test_adGroupId.ToString() }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> Predicate keywordPredicate = new Predicate()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> field = "Id",
>>>>>>> @operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS,
>>>>>>> values = new string[] { test_keywordId.ToString() }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> Predicate keywordStatus = new Predicate()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> field = "Status",
>>>>>>> @operator = PredicateOperator.IN,
>>>>>>> values = new string[] { UserStatus.ACTIVE.ToString() }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> Predicate criterionUsePredicate = new Predicate()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> field = "CriterionUse",
>>>>>>> @operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS,
>>>>>>> values = new string[] { CriterionUse.BIDDABLE.ToString() }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> selector.predicates = new Predicate[] { adGroupPredicate, 
>>>>>>> keywordPredicate, keywordStatus, criterionUsePredicate };
>>>>>>> DateRange dateRange = new DateRange()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> min = string.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", DateTime.Today),
>>>>>>> max = string.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", DateTime.Today)
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> selector.dateRange = dateRange;
>>>>>>> // returns only one entry
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterionPage adGroupCriterionPage = servico.get(selector);
>>>>>>> if (adGroupCriterionPage != null && adGroupCriterionPage.entries != 
>>>>>>> null)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = adGroupCriterionPage.entries[0];
>>>>>>> BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableAdGroupCriterion = 
>>>>>>> (BiddableAdGroupCriterion)adGroupCriterion;
>>>>>>> CpcBid keywordMaxCpc = new CpcBid()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> bid = new Money()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> // Current CPC is 0.54, I'm trying to change to 0.53
>>>>>>> microAmount = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(test_newCpc * 1000000, 2))
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> biddableAdGroupCriterion
>>>>>>> .biddingStrategyConfiguration
>>>>>>> .bids = new Bids[] { keywordMaxCpc };
>>>>>>> // don't set any bidding strategy type
>>>>>>> biddableAdGroupCriterion
>>>>>>> .biddingStrategyConfiguration
>>>>>>> .biddingStrategyType = BiddingStrategyType.NONE;
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation keywordOperation = new 
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation();
>>>>>>> keywordOperation.@operator = Operator.SET;
>>>>>>> keywordOperation.operand = adGroupCriterion;
>>>>>>> // throws the following exception:
>>>>>>> // 
>>>>>>> @ operations[0].operand.criterion]"}
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterionReturnValue retVal = servico.mutate(new 
>>>>>>> AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { keywordOperation });
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Is there another way to change the Max CPC from Managed Placements? 
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>>> Mauricio

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