Hello Greg,

Sorry for the delay, this thread was re-assigned while I was on holidays.

1. You are correct, there is no dedicated field in the report for it. 
Parsing the string is the only way available now.

2. See the "TargetingSetting" field of display reports.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:12:50 AM UTC+4, GregT wrote:
> Any word on the follow up questions? :)
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:27:18 PM UTC-6, GregT wrote:
>> Hi, Danial.
>> I double-checked, and I was wrong -- sorry, my bad!  It appears that the 
>> id field of both the audience performance report and criteria performance 
>> report are actually returning the CriterionUserList id.  I mistakenly 
>> thought it was the UserList id because for the clients I checked, the id 
>> returned is the same for a given audience/UserList in almost every (but, it 
>> turns out, not quite every) ad group that targets the audience (I was 
>> looking at campaigns with many thousands of ad groups targeting the same 
>> audiences).
>> A couple follow up questions:
>> 1 - Given this, it now appears there is no field in either report that 
>> will actually return the UserList id, at least not as a numeric value. The 
>> Criteria field of the audience performance report, and both the Criteria 
>> and DisplayName fields of the criteria performance report all return 
>> something like "boomuserlist::12345", which appear to match up with the ids 
>> of audiences as retrieved by the AdwordsUserListService if you strip off 
>> the "boomuserlist::" part (so in this example, 12345 matches up with the id 
>> of an audience/UserList in the account).  Should I be able to rely upon 
>> those fields of these reports containing "boomuserlist::<userListId>" and 
>> parse that string to match it up with the actual audience id?  If not (or 
>> even if so), is there a more reliable way of getting the audience/UserList 
>> id in these reports that doesn't require relying on this apparent 
>> convention and stripping out part of the field?
>> 2 - The other field we need and would love to be able to get from a 
>> structure report for audiences that I don't see is the targeting setting 
>> (i.e. does the ad group target the audience for "bid only" or "target and 
>> bid").  Is this available in any report?  The only place I see to get it is 
>> from the AdGroup.settings field in the SOAP AdGroupService call, which is 
>> obviously much slower to use.
>> Thanks,
>> Greg
>> On Monday, December 23, 2013 3:45:35 AM UTC-6, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>> Hello Greg,
>>> The CriteriaPerformance report should be the one you are looking for. 
>>> Can you please confirm you indeed receive UserList ID as Id in this report?
>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>> On Saturday, December 21, 2013 1:24:44 AM UTC+4, GregT wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For remarketing lists for search (RLSA), we can use the audience 
>>>> performance report to get statistical information for the performance of 
>>>> the remarketing lists on an ad group basis.  However, this report 
>>>> surprisingly does not appear to be able to be used as a structure report, 
>>>> because it's missing one of the most important fields -- the id of the 
>>>> criterion. There is an "Id" field in this report, but it returns the id of 
>>>> the UserList, not the CriterionUserList, i.e. the id of the audience and 
>>>> not the id of the criterion (that UserList attached to a particular ad 
>>>> group).  The id of the criterion (not just the UserList/Audience id) is 
>>>> what is needed to be able to actually change (or remove) the bid modifier 
>>>> for that audience for an ad group, because it's a required field on 
>>>> CriterionUserList during SET and REMOVE operations on 
>>>> BiddableAdGroupCriterion in the AdGroupCriterionService.  I hope I've made 
>>>> that id distinction clear.
>>>> Unfortunately, the only other report that seemed promising to pull this 
>>>> structure data, the criteria performance report, also appears to be 
>>>> unworkable.  It also has an "Id" field, which given the name of the 
>>>> report, 
>>>> would presumably be the id of the criterion -- but from running it on some 
>>>> accounts, it also appears to be the UserList (audience) id, not the 
>>>> CriterionUserList id.  
>>>> As it stands now, I don't see a way to get the id of these criterion so 
>>>> that they can be updated or removed other than by querying the 
>>>> AdGroupCriterionService.  Could someone please let me know if I'm missing 
>>>> something (some report, some field on one of these two reports that I've 
>>>> overlooked, etc.), and whether it's possible to get the criterion id for 
>>>> these remarketing lists that have been added to ad groups using some 
>>>> report 
>>>> rather than the (relatively slow) SOAP service?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Greg

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