Hello Yaniv,

Were you logged in with the developer account when acquiring the refresh 
token? Please try to log out and log in as AdWords account user when 


On Monday, December 23, 2013 3:21:09 PM UTC+4, Yaniv wrote:
> Daniel,
> Thanks so much for clearing this out! 
> While this worked and I was able to run the refresh token script included 
> in your python client library I now encountered a different error
> after running the config script to store all my credentials for client 
> calls it seems like I still missing permissions as each api call I do with 
> the configured client ends up with and "invalid grant" exception 
> (oauth2client.client.AccessTokenRefreshError: invalid_grant)
> Any ideas what's causing this and what I'm missing here?
> Thanks
> Y.
> On Monday, December 23, 2013 11:29:49 AM UTC+2, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>> Hi Yaniv,
>> In the cloud console, when you create a new client ID, you need to select 
>> "Installed Application" as the first choice and "Other" as the second. 
>> You'll see redirect URL of the created client as:
>> Redirect URIs: 
>> urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
>> http://localhost
>> Danial, AdWords API Team.
>> On Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:08:40 PM UTC+4, Yaniv wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel can you please provide more details on where exactly should I 
>>> check that the client id is register with the OOB redirect URL? (I'm having 
>>> the same issue..)
>>> Thanks
>>> Y.
>>> On Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:08:57 PM UTC+3, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>>> Hello Luke,
>>>> Can you please double-check the client application ID is the "installed 
>>>> application" client ID with the OOB redirect URI listed as a valid 
>>>> redirect 
>>>> in the API Console?
>>>> I can't see any other reason for this error.
>>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>>> On Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:34:50 AM UTC+4, Luke Culbertson wrote:
>>>>> I am also receiving the same error (redirect uri mismatch) when 
>>>>> running the generate_refresh_token.py script, even with an offline 
>>>>> application type.
>>>>> Request Details
>>>>>    - from_login=1
>>>>>    - cookie_policy_enforce=false
>>>>>    - scope=https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords
>>>>>    - response_type=code
>>>>>    - access_type=offline
>>>>>    - redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
>>>>>    - as=-3dec539cc01dab84
>>>>>    - display=page
>>>>>    - pli=1
>>>>>    - client_id=***.apps.googleusercontent.com
>>>>>    - authuser=2
>>>>>    - hl=en
>>>>> Any ideas on what is causing this?
>>>>> On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 2:54:53 AM UTC-7, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> What is the type of the client you use? For Web application type you 
>>>>>> need to explicitly list allowed redirect URLs in the API console.
>>>>>> From your request it looks like you need an offline (standalone) 
>>>>>> application type.
>>>>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:17:18 AM UTC+4, connor....@room77.comwrote:
>>>>>>> I am currently trying to access the monthly search volume of a given 
>>>>>>> keyword. To do this, I need to generate a refresh token using 
>>>>>>> generate_refresh_token. The URL it gives me to access the verification 
>>>>>>> code 
>>>>>>> is broken, returning the error: redirect_uri_mismatch. It states: The 
>>>>>>> redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a 
>>>>>>> registered redirect URI.
>>>>>>> The details are:
>>>>>>>    - cookie_policy_enforce=false
>>>>>>>    - scope=https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords
>>>>>>>    - response_type=code
>>>>>>>    - access_type=online
>>>>>>>    - redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
>>>>>>>    - display=page
>>>>>>>    - client_id=230466429510.apps.googleusercontent.com
>>>>>>> The URL it gives me is: 
>>>>>>> https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https%3A%2F%2Fadwords.google.com%2Fapi%2Fadwords&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&response_type=code&client_id=230466429510.apps.googleusercontent.com&access_type=offline
>>>>>>> Is there any way to fix this, or generate a token another way?
>>>>>>> Thank you

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