The GetRefreshToken Console?

This is what I'm doing :

* Run file GetRefreshToken.php
* This gives me an error with a link
* I copy-paste the link in my browser
* I log in to the browser as instructed
* I copy the code I receive
* I put it in the auth.ini file of my PHP app

I think I'm making the same mistake you're making, but I'm not clear on how 
to solve it. I don't know any other place to put the code I'm receiving. I 
don't know of any GetRefreshToken Console.

Op dinsdag 12 november 2013 17:49:15 UTC+1 schreef naman jindal:
> Hey,
> I found the problem. I was making a very lame mistake. 
> I was copying the code received from the url into my ads properties file 
> considering it as a refresh token, but I now realised that I had to input 
> the same into the GetRefreshToken Console and then I recieved the refresh 
> token.
> @John : Please check if you are also making the same mistake.
> @Takeshi : I now have another problem to deal with. Can you please help me 
> out :
> Thanks and Regards,
> Naman Jindal

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