
I have a problem.
I am writing a program working with adwords api, and I want to get a test 
account for working with API.
I did the following steps:

   1. I have created test MCC account.
   2. I have created test adwords account in test MCC account.
   3. I downloaded adwords PHP library. I put developer 
   token, userAgent, client_id, client_secret and refresh_token into auth.ini 
   4. I tried to 
   run /examples/AdWords/v201302/BasicOperations/GetCampaigns.php and got an 
   error "An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE @ ; 
   5. I decided that this error is because I did not fill in billing 
   information for my test adwords account so I went to test adwords 
   account and filled billing information in.
   6. After that billing information service demanded a payment from me. 
   Despite the fact this is a test account, I made a real payment (~$3). By 
   the way, money from this payment are not shown on "Billing summary" page, 
   so I dont know how to get them back. And "Transactions" page is also empty.
   7. I still have error "This account isn't active because its billing 
   information is missing." on Campaigns page. And I have "An error has 
   occurred: [QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE @ ; trigger:'']" in my 
   8. I went to Billing Preferences page and tried to click "Primary 
   payment details" edit link. After that I got an error "We apologize for 
   the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. 
   Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve 
   it. Please note that using your browser's back button in AdWords can 
   increase the likelihood of errors. If you think this was the cause of your 
   error, please try again without using the back button."
   9. I clicked "Billing and Payment" edit link and got popup with text 
   "For security reasons, this page is only visible to customer".

I dont know what to do next.
I just want to work with adwords api with test account!
Why must I need do so many actions for this?

Please, answer me, what shall I do to get campaigns of my test account?
I am exhausted, and I'm starting to hate Google (in spite maybe it is not 
Please, tell me, what am I doing wrong?

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