Hi all,

So we have a Windows Service which we use to manage our AdWords accounts 
and am now trying to convert to using OAuth2 from ClientLogin as the 
Authorization Method.
The situation is such that I don't have a need to send a user to a redirect 
page to verify access to their data, I simply need MY Windows service to be 
able to access MY Adwords account data.

reading up on the following page ......

Because we have a hierarchy of Advertiser accounts all linked under a 
single master MCC, I think I am right in saying that I can create the 
necessary ClientID and the Client Secret by using the 
"OAuth2TokenGenerator.exe" application, and indeed I went through the 
following the steps......

   1. Navigated to the page https://code.google.com/apis/console/ 
   2. Log in to the adwords account
   3. Create a new Project (although I don't really know what a project is 
   or what it is for ?)
   4. Then, not in the new "cloud console" dashboard but the old one, i was 
   able to click on "API Access" and then "Create an OAuth2 client Id"
   5. I then entered this data along with the already entered OAuth2 Scope 
   in the OAuth2TokenGenerator
   6. A browser window then opened to a localhost domain with the following 
   url , 
   FOR SECURITY PURPOSES] , I am presuming that this browser window opened in 
   order for me to verify that i, as the adwords account user, will allow my 
   windows service (that i am creating the OAuth2 configuration for) to have 
   access to. As I was logged into adwords we had some sort of redirection and 
   an Authentication Code "code" was given as you can see in the querystring.
   7. The OAuth2TokenGenerator then presented me with the OAuth2 
   configuration that I will need

<add key='AuthorizationMethod' value='OAuth2' />
<add key='OAuth2ClientId' value='[VALUE]' />
<add key='OAuth2ClientSecret' value='[VALUE]' />
<add key='OAuth2RefreshToken' value='[VALUE]' />

So I add these to my app.config, and then whenever I make a request via the 
Adwords API to access my account, I am creating the following AdWordsUser 

/* c# code START */
var adWordsUser = new AdWordsUser();

adWordsUser.Config.OAuth2ClientId = myConfig._oAuth2ClientId;
adWordsUser.Config.OAuth2ClientSecret = myConfig._oAuth2ClientSecret;
adWordsUser.Config.OAuth2RefreshToken = myConfig._oAuth2RefreshToken; // 
what is this used for ?

return adWordsUser;
/* c# code END */

So this then seems to work and I appear to be able to access the data in my 
Adwords account, which is great, but can I ask the following

   1. Is this the correct method for setting up OAuth2 access to an Adwords 
   account for use within a Windows Service? - I have no user other than 
   myself that would need to verify that my Windows Service is allowed access 
   to my Adwords account data.
   2. Do I have any need for the Authorisation Code as given in the browser 
   window as described in point 6 above as I explained the 
   OAuth2TokenGenerator process ?
   3. When I create my AdWordsUser object, do I need to utilise the 
   OAuth2RefreshToken? Is this RefreshToken relevent to my set up?
   4. Is my ClientId and ClientSecret about to expire at any point in the 
   future, like an Access Token might expire with a mobile application style 
   user access scenario?
   5. We currently deploy more than one Windows Service to access the same 
   Adwords account. Can more than 1 Windows service use these same credentials 
   at the same time?
   6. When logged into my account at 
   https://code.google.com/apis/console/b/0/, I can see my "ClientId For 
   Installed Applications" within which I see my Client ID and Client Secret - 
   I also see RedirectURI's. Do I have any need for these?

A lot of questions i know, so many thanks in advance

Giles Bodger



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