Hello Peter,

Just ran a report against your account and got 4 negative keywords with 
selector fields and no predicates:
report_definition = {
    :selector => {
      :fields => ['KeywordText', 'CampaignId', 'IsNegative', 'Impressions'],
    :report_name => 'KW_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
    :report_type => 'KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
    :download_format => 'CSV',
    :date_range_type => 'ALL_TIME',
    # Enable to get rows with zero impressions.
    :include_zero_impressions => true

Please try exactly this set and let me know if you see them. If not, send 
me exact XML code of the report definition (can be obtained by enabling 

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 5:28:01 PM UTC+4, Peter Kingswell wrote:
> Hi Danial,
> I have 
> Customer ID = 7268669302
> Client Customer ID = 764-500-5254
> Campaign ID = 154323548
> Thanks, Peter
> On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:13:07 AM UTC-4, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>> Hello Peter,
>> Can you let me know an account ID and campaign ID? Also, for your 
>> example, what fields do you request?
>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:45:49 PM UTC+4, Peter Kingswell wrote:
>>> so Danial, do you know why we're not getting Ad Group Negative Keywords 
>>> returned?  We're not using any selectors at all.
>>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:59:57 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote:
>>>> You're right about campaign negative keywords not being returned in 
>>>> this report.  Only adgroup negative keywords are.
>>>> I checked our code and realized we're using the* Campaign Negative 
>>>> Keywords Performance* report instead for these.
>>>> Oliver
>>>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:57:16 AM UTC+1, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>>>> ...and we obviously have Campaign Negative Keywords Performance Report 
>>>>> to retrieve those:
>>>>> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports#campaign-negative-keywords
>>>>> Oliver, thank you for correction.
>>>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>>>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:47:33 PM UTC+4, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Oliver,
>>>>>> I wasn't able to get negative keywords with this report in my tests 
>>>>>> and this is expected to me. Double-checking this now, I found out 
>>>>>> AdGroup-level negative keywords are returned, while campaign-level are 
>>>>>> not 
>>>>>> (please correct me if you see different behavior).
>>>>>> We'll work to make this consistent in the future versions.
>>>>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:34:16 PM UTC+4, Oliver wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Danial,
>>>>>>> We've been using the Keyword Performance report for over a year now 
>>>>>>> to get negative keywords, both at the campaign and adgroup level.  It's 
>>>>>>> working for us.
>>>>>>> Also, negative keywords never have stats.  So they never come back 
>>>>>>> in this report if a 'segment' field is used in the selector.  If no 
>>>>>>> segment 
>>>>>>> field is included, then they are included in the report.
>>>>>>> Oliver
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:29:31 AM UTC+1, Danial Klimkin 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Peter,
>>>>>>>> Keyword Performance report does not return negative keywords at the 
>>>>>>>> moment. All performance reports are designed to be used for stats 
>>>>>>>> retrieval 
>>>>>>>> and negative criteria can't have any stats.
>>>>>>>> Also, deleted criteria can also be retrieved if it had stats for 
>>>>>>>> the report period.
>>>>>>>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>>>>>>>> On Monday, September 16, 2013 8:56:13 PM UTC+4, Peter Kingswell 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I initially misspoke.  We're not supplying a date range selector 
>>>>>>>>> and we're still not getting the ad group level negative keywords.  
>>>>>>>>> Can 
>>>>>>>>> anyone spot anything in the following report definition that would 
>>>>>>>>> prevent 
>>>>>>>>> negative keywords from being downloaded?
>>>>>>>>> ReportDefinition definition = new ReportDefinition();
>>>>>>>>> definition.reportName = 
>>>>>>>>> definition.reportType = 
>>>>>>>>> ReportDefinitionReportType.KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT;
>>>>>>>>> definition.downloadFormat = DownloadFormat.CSV;
>>>>>>>>> definition.includeZeroImpressions = true;
>>>>>>>>> definition.dateRangeType = ReportDefinitionDateRangeType.ALL_TIME;
>>>>>>>>> Selector selector = new Selector();
>>>>>>>>> selector.fields = ...
>>>>>>>>> definition.selector = selector;
>>>>>>>>> Many thanks!
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, September 16, 2013 9:05:07 AM UTC-4, Peter Kingswell 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> fantastic, thanks again for the rapid answer.
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, September 16, 2013 9:04:14 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Yes, you can use IsNegative=1 to limit the report to negative 
>>>>>>>>>>> keywords only.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Deleted keywords are *not *included.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, September 16, 2013 1:58:00 PM UTC+1, Peter Kingswell 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Oliver.  Do you happen to know if it's possible to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> use an IsNegative=1 selector to pull only the negative keywords?  
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if 
>>>>>>>>>>>> you don't supply a date range, are historic (i.e. deleted) 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Negative 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Keywords included do you know?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2013 4:23:18 PM UTC-4, Oliver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A date field is a 'segment' field.  Segment fields prevent 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> zero impression rows from being returned.  Since negative 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> keywords don't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have impressions, they won't be returned if you include a date 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> range.  To 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> get the negative keywords, you need to avoid using any segment 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the selector.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oliver
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 13, 2013 4:58:51 PM UTC+1, Peter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kingswell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're using the ReportUtilities class to download a bunch of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different CSV reports without issues.  However, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the  KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is not returning any rows with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Negative=TRUE even though the Ad Groups have negative keywords.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Selector being used is a date range.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone have any suggestions?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We're using v201306 Google.AdWords.dll, v16.1.0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peter

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