I also have this issue.  I'm running the .net client library from nuget 
(16.1.0).  When I make this call with the following report types, the 
reports are generated without errors:

Then when I make the same call after only changing the reporttype and 
selector, I receive an error:

For the above reports, the following error is generated:
Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportsException occurred
  Message=Report download errors occurred, see errors field for more 
downloadUrl, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String postBody, Stream 
downloadUrl, String postBody, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String path)
reportDefinition, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String path)
       at <mymethod> in <myfile>.cs:line x

Please note that the InnerException is empty (same as original post).  This 
is normally where we are provided details about the failure.

All reports fail if I set the ReportVersion to v201302.  But if I change 
all code references to v201302, all of the mentioned reports run without 
error and return data. 

As an aside, the same error occurs on all reports If I run the v201302 code 
and set the ReportVersion to v201306, This may be expected behavior though.

To summarize - upgrading the code references to v201306 alone breaks some 
reports, but not all.  With the sunset date of 201302 being 2 months away, 
I hope this can be resolved quickly.

Let me know if you need any other details.


On Thursday, August 29, 2013 7:43:25 AM UTC-4, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Gerhard,
> Did you set user.Config.ClientCustomerId at any point? AdWords API reports 
> need that to pull the relevant data even if you set prn email correctly to 
> that of your advertiser account.
> Cheers,
> Anash
> On Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:07:03 AM UTC+1, Gerhard van Deventer wrote:
>> HI Anash, 
>> I am having a similar issue with trying to download adwords reports using 
>> the C# Api. Specifically, I am attempting to use OAuth 2.0 to act as a 
>> service account and receive errors similar to the text below: 
>> Report download errors occurred, see errors field for more details.
>> at 
>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.DownloadReportToStream(String
>> downloadUrl, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String postBody, Stream 
>> outputStream)
>>    at 
>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReportInternal(String
>> downloadUrl, String postBody, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String path)
>>    at 
>> The resulting CSV files are empty and do not contain any further 
>> information. Here is a brief snippet of my code: 
>>             //Add the user we're going to use as well as the Report 
>> Definition. 
>>           AdWordsUser m_User = new AdWordsUser();
>>           ReportDefinition m_ReportDefinition = new ReportDefinition();
>>         //Specify OAut-specific values: 
>>         config.AuthorizationMethod = AdWordsAuthorizationMethod.OAuth2;
>>         //config.OAuth2ClientId = "##########.apps.googleusercontent.com
>> ";
>>         //config.OAuth2ClientSecret = "notasecret";
>>         config.OAuth2Scope = "https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords";; 
>>         //Specify OAuth-specific config values for service accounts: 
>>         config.OAuth2Mode = 
>> Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.OAuth2Flow.SERVICE_ACCOUNT;
>>         config.OAuth2ServiceAccountEmail = "###########@
>> developer.gserviceaccount.com";
>>         config.OAuth2PrnEmail = "#####@frstia.co.za";
>>         config.OAuth2CertificatePath = @"C:\keys\#######-privatekey.p12";
>>         config.OAuth2CertificatePassword = "notasecret"; 
>>         m_ReportDefinition.reportName = m_ReportName;
>>         //m_ReportDefinition.reportName = "Test Report"; 
>>         //Search for appropriate enum of report type and assign it. 
>>         ReportDefinitionReportType rtype = 
>> (ReportDefinitionReportType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ReportDefinitionReportType),
>> m_ReportType);
>>         m_ReportDefinition.reportType = (ReportDefinitionReportType)rtype;
>>                m_ReportDefinition.downloadFormat = DownloadFormat.CSV;
>>         m_ReportDefinition.selector = selector;
>>         m_ReportDefinition.includeZeroImpressions = true;
>>  #region Invoke Report
>>         //try
>>         //{
>>         string reportName = "unspecified name";
>>         string fullReportPath = "";
>>         if 
>> (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Variables.FileDownloadLocation.ToString()))
>>         {
>>             fullReportPath = Variables.FileDownloadLocation.ToString();
>>         }
>>         else
>>         {
>>             ComponentMetaData.FireError(10, "Component Variables", 
>> "TheFileDownloadLocation variable is NULL or empty", "", 0, out cancel);
>>         }
>>         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ReportName))
>>         {
>>             reportName = m_ReportName;
>>         }
>>         fullReportPath += "\\" + m_ReportName + ".csv";
>>         ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(m_User);
>>         utilities.ReportVersion  = "v201306";
>>        utilities.DownloadClientReport(m_ReportDefinition, fullReportPath);
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Gerhard 
>> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:11:53 AM UTC+2, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords 
>> API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Is the issue resolved? Could you post a code snippet that shows the 
>>> issue?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>> On Saturday, August 3, 2013 12:20:44 AM UTC+5:30, Chris Jenkins wrote:
>>>> I'm just starting to dig into the api and I'm having an issue when I'm 
>>>> calling reports. I've tried various reports, but they all fail. I'm sure 
>>>> it 
>>>> has something to do with the way I'm setting it up, but the exception it 
>>>> throws never has anything in the error. It just says this: 
>>>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportsException was caught
>>>>   HResult=-2146233088
>>>>   Message=Report download errors occurred, see errors field for more 
>>>> details.
>>>>   Source=Google.AdWords
>>>>   StackTrace:
>>>>        at 
>>>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.DownloadReportToStream(String
>>>> downloadUrl, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros, String postBody, Stream 
>>>> outputStream) in c:\src\MyProjects\now\Common library 
>>>> base\adwords\compile\Util\Reports\ReportUtilities.cs:line 301
>>>>        at 
>>>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.GetClientReportInternal(String
>>>> downloadUrl, String postBody, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros) in 
>>>> c:\src\MyProjects\now\Common library 
>>>> base\adwords\compile\Util\Reports\ReportUtilities.cs:line 231
>>>>        at 
>>>> Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Util.Reports.ReportUtilities.GetClientReport[T](T 
>>>> reportDefinition, Boolean returnMoneyInMicros) in 
>>>> c:\src\MyProjects\now\Common library 
>>>> base\adwords\compile\Util\Reports\ReportUtilities.cs:line 153
>>>>        at GoogleAPI.Reports.Campaign_Daily.Get(AdWordsUser user) in 
>>>> c:\Users\ChrisJ\Documents\Visual Studio 
>>>> 2012\Projects\GoogleAPICodeTest\Reports\Campaign_Daily.cs:line 60
>>>>   InnerException: 
>>>> The errors field in the exception viewer only shows me where the 
>>>> exception came from, but otherwise it's null...any ideas?

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