We have a tool that is downloading data (campaigns, adgroups, adgroupads 
and adgroupcriterions) from the adwords api.


We used the version v201302 and recently switched to the latest version v201306 
of the api.


We use up to 20 Tasks to send requests parallel to the api (as suggested by 

We are aware of Exceptions like 

-          AuthenticationError.OAUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED



And act by refreshing the oauth token if necessary, using paging to get the 
data and sending the task to sleep for short periods of time if the api 
complains about too many requests.


As of late we experience another exception:



Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsApiException: An API exception has 
occurred. See ApiException and InnerException fields for more details. ---> 
[AuthenticationError.OAUTH_TOKEN_REVOKED @ ; trigger:'<null>']

message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters)

   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.MakeApiCall(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters)

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.MakeApiCall(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters)

   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.Invoke(String methodName, 
Object[] parameters)

   at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201306.CampaignService.get(Selector 


The tool runs fine for several hours and then the exception happens.

It seems that we can eliminate the possibility of someone revoking the 
authorization manually since the exception always happens deep in the night 
between 3 am and 5 am*. *

*So what else could cause a revocation of the access token?*


For OAuth we use a google business account with a service account for 
adwords api


Our configuration for oauth looks like this (all values in “ ” are just 
placeholders because of security reasons)



                    <Adwords_OAuth2CertificatePath>”path to certificate 


                    <Adwords_DeveloperToken>”our developer token”</







*Could it help to increase the value for RetryCount  in the config?*

* *

*Is it possible that the problems are related to the switch to the new api?*

* *

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