Hi Anash, 

Thanks for the Info. Now it works. 

Though I had to struggle to find out what ****** actually meant. For, the 
benefits of others ****** is actaully the acess token.

So, httpAuthorizationHeader = "Bearer " + OAuth AccessToken 

On Wednesday, 3 April 2013 15:51:51 UTC+5:30, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Kaushik,
> Your request should look like this, assuming you are using OAuth2:
> <adExtension xsi:type="LocationSyncExtension">
>    <email>adwords login email</email>
>    <oAuthInfo>
> <httpMethod>GET</httpMethod>
> <httpRequestUrl>https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/</httpRequestUrl>
> <httpAuthorizationHeader>Bearer *******</httpAuthorizationHeader>
>    </oAuthInfo>
> </adExtension>
> Also, email is case sensitive if I remember correctly. Make sure it 
> matches in case with the login email.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 8:49:38 PM UTC+5:30, Kaushik Sahoo wrote:
>> I tried creating OAuth access using "
>> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/"; scope and passed the 'Access 
>> Token' received as httpAuthorizationHeader but 
>> How can we get httpAuthorizationHeader information from OAuth 
>> authentication response?
>> I've no idea how to proceed from here. Please help. 
>> Thanks,
>> Kaushik
>> On Monday, 1 April 2013 19:31:11 UTC+5:30, Kaushik Sahoo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using v201209 of Adwords Api + Adwords Old Java Library(8.10). 
>>> While setting up LocationSyncExtension, I would like to use OAuthInfo 
>>> for authentication. OAuthInfo requires three parameters:- 
>>>   - httpMethod
>>>   - httpRequestUrl
>>>   - httpAuthorizationHeader
>>> Where do I find these information?
>>> Please help.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kaushik

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