Hello All,

I am developing an application for my client where I need to run an AdWords 
report. I am newbie to this platform.

Here is what I have been provided with

1. An MCC account and a Developer Token
2. Client Id of MCC account
3. Login Id
4. Password

Here is what I am using:

1. ASP.NET Client Library version v201209
2. ClientLogin method

Here is what I am getting when invoking the method:

1. An Auth token by passing Email Id and Password
2. An exception 'UNABLE_TO_AUTHORIZE" where trying to get a report. This is 
my code snippet:

ReportDefinition definition = new ReportDefinition();
definition.reportName = "Last 7 days CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT";
definition.reportType = ReportDefinitionReportType.CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT;
definition.downloadFormat = DownloadFormat.GZIPPED_CSV;
definition.dateRangeType = ReportDefinitionDateRangeType.LAST_7_DAYS;
 // Create selector.Selector selector = new Selector();
selector.fields = new string[] { "CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "Id", 
"CriteriaType", "Criteria", "CriteriaDestinationUrl", "Clicks", "Impressions", 
"Cost" };
 Predicate predicate = new Predicate();
predicate.field = "Status";
predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN;
predicate.values = new string[] { "ACTIVE", "PAUSED" };
selector.predicates = new Predicate[] { predicate };
definition.selector = selector;
definition.includeZeroImpressions = true;

string filePath = fileName;

                ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(user);
                utilities.ReportVersion = "v201209";
                ClientReport report = 
                Console.WriteLine("Report was downloaded to '{0}'.", filePath);
}catch (Exception ex)
                AuthorizationError err = new AuthorizationError();
                AuthorizationErrorReason reason = err.reason;
                string errDetail = err.ApiErrorType + ", " + err.errorString + 
", " + err.fieldPath + ", " + err.fieldPath;
                Response.Write(reason.ToString() + "<br />" + errDetail);

I did not get much help about trouble shooting other than this (

*    There was an issue with completing authorization for a given 
Common causes
*    Attempting to create an account via ManagedCustomerService.mutate 
under a non-MCC account.*
Recommended handling tips
Prevention tips
*    Use ManagedCustomerService to determine if the account is an MCC 
account. The field ManagedCustomer.canManageClients should be true.*

Google says "ManagedCustomerService" is a Read-only properly. But I could 
not find any such property called ManagedCustomerServic in the library.
Also I think it using the property will only prevent the error to come up?

I must be doing something wrong. Please help. I must get this working as 
soon as possible

Thanks in advance,


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