Hi Sanju,

Yes, you need the first and second step.
Basically, budges that are tied to BudgetOptimizer campaigns can't change 
to Accelerated.

But I wonder if the third step is needed.
What for the third step is?

- Takeshi

2012年11月15日木曜日 23時46分28秒 UTC+9 Sanju:
> Hi,
> In my account am having an Budget Optimizer Campaign and its delivery 
> method is Standard. Now my requirement is to update it to ManualCPC 
> campaign and its budget delivery method to Accelerated. So I tried updating 
> delivery method to Accelerated using budgetId and got this Exception:
> My java pseudo code goes like this:
> Budget b = new Budget();
> b.setBudgetId(XXXX);
> b.setName.....;
> b.setDeliveryMethod(BudgetBudgetDeliveryMethod.ACCELERATED);
> BudgetOpeartion.set........
> BudgetReturnValue budgetReturnValue = budgetService.mutate(budgetOperat); 
>   //Here I get Exception.
> Campaign cmp = new Campaign();
> cmp.setId(XXXX);
> cmp.setBudget(b);
> cmp.setBiddingStrategyType("ManualCPC");
> campaignOperation cmpOper = ......
> cmp = campaignSer vice.mutate(cmpOper);
> But after clearly understanding the Exception I have noticed that we can 
> do this way
> First: campaign with ManualCPC bidding option mutating
> Second: Budget(above campaigns budget) with Accelearted Deleiver method 
> mutating.
> Third: Again campaign (with Second step returned BudgetId) mutating 
> inorder to get final campaign object with my requirements.
> But this goes with more work in coding so let me know if any best way is 
> there and alternate process.
> Thanks,
> Sanju

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