Hello Martin,

I can see you have already logged this request on the project issue 
tracker, thank you.

I will check if this is possible and let you know. It largely depends on 
the underlying libraries support for JWT.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:05:07 PM UTC+4, Marcin Urbanski wrote:
> Thanks for your reply!
> The problem is that all code samples are relying on user activity.
> What I want to acheive is downloading reports for all managed clients 
> using OAuth Service to Service authentication.
> This process should be asynchronous and I believe I need something like 
> this to athenticate:
> GoogleCredential credential = new 
> GoogleCredential.Builder().setTransport(HTTP_TRANSPORT)
>             .setJsonFactory(JSON_FACTORY)
>             .setServiceAccountId(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL)
>             .setServiceAccountScopes(STORAGE_SCOPE)
>             .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File("key.p12"))
>             .build();
> When will this be possible in pure Ruby? (without need to use Java libraries).
> Here's my unanswered post with more details:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/adwords-api/OAuth$202.0$20for$20Server$20to$20Server$20Applications$20problem/adwords-api/JxuwI7yDg94/3QudZw1pKJkJ
> Could you help me somehow?
> Martin
> On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 11:45:41 AM UTC+2, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>> Hello Marcin,
>> Please see my reply to the initial post which should cover the issue. 
>> I've also created an article with more details specific to Ruby:
>> http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/2012/10/using-oauth20-authorization-method-with.html
>> Let me know if you have any questions.
>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>> On Monday, October 8, 2012 5:58:10 PM UTC+4, Marcin Urbanski wrote:
>>> Any update on this? I have exactly the same problem.
>>> If Ruby gems won't support it soon, I can use Java.
>>> Are there any examples on how to use Service to Service authentication?
>>> On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:07:08 PM UTC+2, Antony Vorobiev wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I was using ClientLogin authorization method in my server application 
>>>> for several months, but now it throws CaptchaRequired error because of too 
>>>> much authorization attempts for about 100 client_customer_id in a batch, 
>>>> so 
>>>> I'm looking for the way to get 100+ client accounts processed (sync 
>>>> campaigns, fetch campaign statuses, report statistics) in reasonable time 
>>>> (several minutes) without any user interaction
>>>> according to - https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2 - 
>>>> this document, the most suitable method for me is OAuth 2.0 Service 
>>>> Account 
>>>> authorization
>>>> I've got all the credentials - Client ID, Email address, Application 
>>>> name and private key file, but I still have no idea how can I get this 
>>>> stuff working.
>>>> Could you please provide me with an example of how can I access to 
>>>> Adwords API via OAuth 2.0 Service Account and fetch, for example, account 
>>>> hierarchy using Ruby Adwords API library?

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