I've been using the API for several things, and recently wanted to use it 
to set the prices displayed on my ads.

The adGroups are arraigned so that they are each related to a product. I 
simply (I really thought this would be simple) want to update the param1 
value in all ads in a given adGroup.

What I have found so far is that the parameter needs to be set for *every 
single keyword* used on that adGroup. 

Ideally I would want to: 

Best case: Send the AdGroup ID up and a value for the param and have all 
ads up dated. 
Worst Case: Send up the Adgroup ID and Ad ID and param Value for each ad to 
be updated.

Is there anyway of doing this?

Thanks for any help.

p.s. on a slightly related note, can anyone point out a use case for the 
current implementation (changing parameters per keyword)? As I may simply 
be approaching this from the wrong angle.

pps: I found a similar question that's 2 years old so I'm hoping things 
have been improved over the last few 

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