
I have couple of questions to ask Regarding Bulk Mutation Job service.

1. If have i have more than 1 big campaigns to publish, which has around 
200 adgroups, couple of thousands of Keywords. How many API quota will be 
used. If i am mutating everything in a single mutations.
2. Then i try to send  more than 6 Mutation Request i am getting the 
following error [RateExceededError <rateName=RequestsPerMinute, 
rateKey=new_qps, rateScope=ACCOUNT, retryAfterSeconds=30>]
3. In the 1st Question, if i mutate all the above campaigns. And some where 
i got API error.it is very hard to track which Keyword and which adgroup 
has that API error. Can i get which as adgroup is having that problem.or 
which keyword has caused the error.

And i am suing Sandbox for the above all

Thank you so much for Bulk mutations. ITs saves lot of time but please help 
me out with the above issues i am having.


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