  I wrote the blog 
to.  We've since converted it to a Help Center article with 
updated information: 

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Monday, July 23, 2012 7:35:59 AM UTC-4, nf7588 wrote:
> Thank you both so much!!!
> it has been very helpful for me!!
> On Monday, July 23, 2012 1:46:01 PM UTC+3, Zweitze wrote:
>> Some time ago a Google employee wrote a blog about this. Essentially the 
>> data is complete at 04.00h in the time zone of that account. But beware of 
>> a few notable exceptions:
>> - When the account advertises on display networks or at search partners, 
>> it may be victim of click fraud. Google detects this and reverses the 
>> damages, but that takes two to three days. So the clicks and cost may 
>> change in the next days.
>> - Conversions are attributed to the date of the last click, even when 
>> there are days between the conversion date and click date. The maximum time 
>> span is the life time of the conversion, which is thirty days. Further, 
>> conversion results are synchronized within the Google networks with low 
>> priority, so add another day as well.
>> To make calculations on time zone differences, and dealing with related 
>> issues like (differences in start days of) daylight savings time, look 
>> at the libraries of your framework and/or programming language.
>> On Sunday, July 22, 2012 10:28:50 AM UTC+2, nf7588 wrote:
>>> Hi Oliver,
>>> Sorry for the delay in my response. we have scheduled a service to 
>>> retrieve the reports once a day on  YESTERDAY  value.
>>> but i was wondering how do i make the calculation? if i'm in Time Zone 
>>> GMT and want to download report for a client in GMT -8
>>> how can i be sure when the API report should be retrieve for yesterday 
>>> date?
>>> Thank You
>>> On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:09:16 PM UTC+3, Oliver wrote:
>>>> The timezone is managed by the account itself and not by where your 
>>>> application is running. Every adwords account has a timezone associated 
>>>> with it.
>>>> So, for example, if you use the enum value YESTERDAY as defined here:
>>>> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201109_1/ReportDefinitionService.ReportDefinition.DateRangeType
>>>> then the API will return yesterday's data according to the timezone of 
>>>> the account irrespective of the timestamp on your hosting server.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Oliver
>>>> On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 3:31:33 PM UTC+1, nf7588 wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> we have a web-based program to show the client his API reports 
>>>>> from Ad-words
>>>>> i would like to know , according to the client GMT how can i know for 
>>>>> sure when his data for yesterday is most updated?
>>>>> thank you

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