  If you were affected by this bug, we recommend using a new sandbox 
account.  You can create a brand-new gmail account for sandbox usage. 
 Please let us know if you're still seeing this with a new account.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:41:31 AM UTC-4, Wasi wrote:
> I am also facing this same issue. can anybody please help me for this? 
> I've also spent hours getting more and more frustrated. Please can someone 
> tell me how to get the sandbox working? I am unable to add Campaigns.
> i have also followed the following steps but the same issue is there. 
> a. Call GetAllCampaigns example to initialize the sandbox if not done 
> already.
> b. Call GetAccountHierarchy example to get the list of sandbox accounts.
> c. Use one of those customerIds to make remaining calls.
> GetAccountHierarchy return 0.
> On Monday, March 5, 2012 6:43:10 AM UTC+5, Rallan wrote:
>> In my live Adwords account I can add a new campaign without a problem, 
>> but I have been trying to use the sandbox without success. I can test for 
>> existing campaigns in the sandbox (none found) but I am unable to add a 
>> new campaign. I get the error:
>> [OperationAccessDenied.ADD_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED @ operations[0]]
>> I am logging in with the following set-up:
>> email = "xxxxx...@gmail.com"
>> password = "xxxxxxxx"
>> userAgent = "My Adwords Tool"
>> applicationToken = "ignored"
>> developerToken = "xxxxx...@gmail.com++GBP"
>> DEFAULT_VERSION = "v201109"
>> DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://adwords-sandbox.google.com";
>> $campaignService = $user->GetCampaignService('v201109', '
>> https://adwords-sandbox.google.com');
>> I have looked around online but found no actual answers. As far as I can 
>> tell I what's missing is a sandbox generated clientId, or possibly 
>> a clientCustomerId? However, I have been unable to find out how I get this! 
>> I have tried using my normal clientId but it is rejected 
>> (AuthenticationError.CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND). 
>> I'm going nuts here. I've spent hours getting more and more frustrated. 
>> Please can someone tell me how to get the sandbox working?

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