Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your answer. 



On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:59:08 AM UTC-3, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi Danilo,
>   I apologize for the delay.
> I can confirm the same results.  I looked in your account for that day 
> 4/26 and when I add the Exact Match Impression Share in the dimensions tab, 
> the UI also reflects this value "--".  You campaign stats indicate there 
> was only 1 click and 28 impressions for a broad match keyword (and no 
> others), so I can only assume that there isn't enough data to calculate the 
> Exact Match Impression share.  Since the UI matches the API in this regard, 
> this has to be a product level "feature" (and not an API quirk).  Asking on 
> the general AdWords forums may obtain a more detailed answer.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Friday, May 11, 2012 5:37:09 PM UTC-4, Danilo wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> I sent the cid and ReportDefintionXml in reply to you.
>> Thanks,
>> Danilo.
>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 5:11:43 PM UTC-3, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>> Hi Danilo,
>>>   The symptoms of the previous issue were that Impression Share data was 
>>> not being calculated quickly enough to meet the normal expectations (i.e. 
>>> it was not ready when advertised).  Changes were made to resolve this such 
>>> that as of now, data should be available for the dates in question (i.e. it 
>>> should be back on the regular schedule).  Could you please provide me with 
>>> your CID and the ReportDefinition XML you're using to get ImpressionShare 
>>> data for 4/26?  I'd like to try to reproduce.
>>> - Kevin Winter
>>> AdWords API Team
>>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 3:18:51 PM UTC-4, Danilo wrote:
>>>> Kevin,
>>>> We're still having problem with data from April 26th. Just to clarify, 
>>>> this temporary issue with Impression Share Data was solved in which day? 
>>>> The data that wasn't processed from April 26th to the day that the issue 
>>>> was solved will be reprocessed?
>>>> Since which date the Impression Share Data started to be completely 
>>>> processed again?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Danilo
>>>> On Friday, May 4, 2012 11:19:52 AM UTC-3, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>>>> Hi Danilo,
>>>>>   There was a temporary issue that caused Impression Share data to be 
>>>>> delayed for a few days - it should be resolved now and being processed as 
>>>>> per current schedule for Impression Share data - see here for more: 
>>>>> http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2544985
>>>>> - Kevin Winter
>>>>> AdWords API Team
>>>>> On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 5:14:03 PM UTC-4, Danilo wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Since April 26th we are having troubles with Impression Share data in 
>>>>>> the campaigns performance reports. The most of data are filled up but we 
>>>>>> have a few campaigns that the field "ExactMatchImpressionShare" is not 
>>>>>> available yet, the return value is '--'. This data is correct? Or the 
>>>>>> impression share data are not totally updated yet?
>>>>>> Someone else facing the same problem?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Danilo.

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