Do you know where I'd record the clientCustomerId or clientEmail when using 
the .Net client library?  The version I'm using does not seem to have a 
specific provision for either field when creating an AdWordsUser, instead 
it accepts a set of key-value pairs.  I've tried "clientCustomerId" and 
"clientExternalCustomerId" for the key, and the customer ID in the formats 
"1234567890" and "123-456-7890".

Here's the content of the exception:

Report contents are invalid. - !!!2|||-1|||<eye3-stackless 
title='AuthServer User Error CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED'/> 
AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED @ ; trigger:'<null>'; 
errorDetails:message=Received a non-null, yet empty or whitespace 
clientExternalCustomerId Service[ReportInfoService.get]???

The error message suggests that "clientExternalCustomerId" is the right 
form, but it's impossible to be sure when the constructor is using an 
untyped, unstructured hash table for input.  Isn't the purpose of a client 
library to insulate developers from these kind of implementation details?

On Tuesday, September 6, 2011 10:32:29 AM UTC-5, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi All,
> The report download servlet currently requires a clientCustomerId or 
> clientEmail header with all requests, even if the credentials used to 
> generate the auth token are for a client account directly.  Including one 
> of these two headers should solve the issue.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

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