I am running into the same issue. Any timelines on when the 
MutateJobService will start supporting AdParam?
Also, I keep getting rate exceeded error although I am throttling the 
calls, and setting maximum 2000 ad param operations per request. Here is 
the relevant snippet:

for (adParamOperationsList: List[AdParamOperation] <- 
operationsList.grouped(GoogleConstants.MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_REQUEST)) {
        val adParamOperations: Array[AdParamOperation] = 
        val updatedAdParams: Array[AdParam] = 
        if (updatedAdParams != null && !updatedAdParams.isEmpty) {
          for (updatedAdParam <- updatedAdParams) {
            log.debug("Ad param with insertion text \"" + 
updatedAdParam.getInsertionText + "\", and param index \"" + 
updatedAdParam.getParamIndex + "\" was set for keyword \"" + 
updatedAdParam.getCriterionId + "\".")
        else {
          log.debug("No ad params were set.")

On Monday, December 13, 2010 8:19:05 PM UTC+5:30, AdWords API Advisor wrote:
> Hi, 
> Unfortunately the BulkMutateJobService doesn't support 
> AdParamOperations.  You must enter one ad param per keyword, you 
> cannot leave the criterionId empty. 
> Best, 
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team 
> On Dec 10, 12:30 pm, CPicou <adwo...@baobaz.com> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > I'd like to know if it will be possible to set AdParam in a bulk job. 
> > Since we have to create one AdParam per keyword and per numeric value 
> > in the ad, that implies a very important number of operations. In my 
> > case, 2 operation per keyword, and I'm working on AdWords accounts 
> > that reach the million of keywords. 
> > 
> > So performing AdParam operations in a bulk job could be very useful 
> > for me. 
> > 
> > I think there's another way to improve the process. When I create an 
> > AdParam, in my case it always refer to all the keywords in the 
> > AdGroup. At the moment, I have to create identical AdParam for each 
> > keyword in the AdGroup, with different  CriterionId. 
> > So the CriterionId field is useless in my case. If I could leave it 
> > empty, considering that if this field is empty, the AdParam refers to 
> > all the keywords in this AdGroup, I will only have one or two AdParam 
> > per AdGroup. That will decrease the number of operations, and the lack 
> > of bulk job for this task will be less sensitive. 
> > 
> > Thank you

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