Thanks very much for your help on this. I think I have solved the problem, 
I think it is because my Gmail account has the 2-legged authentication 
turned on. I am using a different account now and it is now working.



On Friday, 30 March 2012 05:30:45 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> v201101 got sunset last month. Try v201109.GetCampaigns as the command 
> line version. (Or in general, apiversion.codeexamplename as command line 
> argument). I'll update the video appropriately or leave comments on the 
> youtube video.
> Cheers,
> Anash
> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 21:23:29 UTC+5:30, baynezy wrote:
>> Anash,
>> Thanks very much this is starting to come together. I have set up the 
>> Web.config as requested and I am trying to run 
>> I am adding adding a command line argument of 'v201101.GetAllCampaigns' as 
>> you specify in your YouTube video 
>> However, every time I run it it just list the help text to the console. It 
>> is like it does not see he command line arguments. I also compiled the exe 
>> and ran it from the command line with 'v201101.GetAllCampaigns' and it also 
>> just outputs the help text. It is like I am having a bad brain moment, and 
>> cannot see why this is failing. I would appreciate some thoughts on what I 
>> am doing wrong if you can think of something obvious.
>> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 13:32:16 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> Almost forgot to mention: since you are making calls to the sandbox, you 
>>> need to initialize the sandbox and use the clientCustomerIds in it.
>>> 1. In your Web.config, you should have email/password as your gmail 
>>> email/password. Comment out clientCustomerId.
>>> 2. Call GetCampaigns.cs. Reference example is at  
>>> This will initialize your sandbox.
>>> 3. Call GetAccountHiearchy.cs. Example here:  
>>> This will return the sandbox accounts that were created for you.
>>> 4. Copy one of those customerIds into your 
>>> web.config's clientCustomerId key, and uncomment the key.
>>> 5. Run any code example.
>>> Anash
>>> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 17:57:07 UTC+5:30, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>> I see... let's get a code example running in that case...
>>>> The easiest approach is as follows:
>>>> 1. Make sure your Web.config looks exactly as follows: 
>>>> In case you have other stuff in your Web.config, you need to merge the two.
>>>> 2. Enter your MCC email, password, clientCustomerId, developerToken in 
>>>> your Web.config.
>>>> 3. In your code, do
>>>> AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();// this loads all configs from 
>>>> your Web.Config
>>>> CampaignService service = (CampaignService) 
>>>> user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201109.CampaignService);
>>>> // Build your campaign, operation, do service.mutate(). Refer to the 
>>>> examples folder in the downloaded zip for various code examples.
>>>> 4. Run your website. If you face any issues, let me know, along with 
>>>> the error you are facing.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Anash
>>>> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 17:21:25 UTC+5:30, baynezy wrote:
>>>>> Anash,
>>>>> Again thank you for your quick response. I am building a web 
>>>>> application that when new items are added to our system we can 
>>>>> potentially 
>>>>> automatically add a new Campaign to the our AdWords account and then 
>>>>> subsequently new AdGroups, Ads and Keywords. I am at the early stages 
>>>>> really learning the capabilities of the API and I am having a few 
>>>>> problems 
>>>>> getting going. I downloaded the the .Net client library from here 
>>>>> and I am using 
>>>>> that as the basis of starting my own proof of concept project. Mainly my 
>>>>> issues are compounded by the fact that all the examples I can find are a 
>>>>> mix of different versions and so I am a little unclear on how to get 
>>>>> going.
>>>>> I think what I really need help with is how to get the AdWordsUser 
>>>>> authenticated in a way that I can the access the API from then on with no 
>>>>> challenge. I have no requirement to use OAuth as this will be an internal 
>>>>> service using just our company AdWords account.
>>>>> What I have so far is based on a combination of this Java example 
>>>>> and this 
>>>>> article you wrote 
>>>>> Here is my code:-
>>>>>  public ActionResult Create()
>>>>> {
>>>>> var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                {"CompanyName", ""},
>>>>> {"Email", ""},
>>>>> {"Password", "password"},
>>>>> {"DeveloperToken", " myemail"}
>>>>>                };
>>>>> var user = new AdWordsUser(headers);
>>>>> var service = 
>>>>> (CampaignService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201109.CampaignService, "
>>>>> var budget = new Budget
>>>>>  {
>>>>>  period = BudgetBudgetPeriod.DAILY,
>>>>>  amount = new Money(),
>>>>>  deliveryMethod = BudgetBudgetDeliveryMethod.STANDARD
>>>>>  };
>>>>> var campaign = new Campaign
>>>>>    {
>>>>>    name = "Simon Campaign",
>>>>>    status = CampaignStatus.PAUSED,
>>>>>    biddingStrategy = new ManualCPC(),
>>>>>    budget = budget
>>>>>    };
>>>>> var operation = new CampaignOperation {operand = campaign, @operator = 
>>>>> Operator.ADD};
>>>>> var operations = new[] { operation };
>>>>> var result = service.mutate(operations);
>>>>> return View();
>>>>> This is an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application, when executing the code 
>>>>> above I get an AuthTokenException. When I dig into the error it is 
>>>>> because 
>>>>> I am getting an System.Net.WebException {"The remote server returned an 
>>>>> error: (403) Forbidden."}. I get exactly the same response when I remove 
>>>>> the second argument from the GetService call on AdWordsUser.
>>>>> If you could point me in the right direction I would be eternally 
>>>>> grateful.
>>>>> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 12:20:14 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>>>> AFAIK, OAuth doesn't present a Captcha challenge, ClientLogin API 
>>>>>> does. Sounds like a misconfiguration to me. OAuth 1.0a access tokens 
>>>>>> don't 
>>>>>> expire, so you need to get the user to enter the credentials once to 
>>>>>> generate an accessToken, save it, and then keep reusing it for future 
>>>>>> requests. The other option is to link the client account under your MCC, 
>>>>>> and use your credentials to generate AuthTokens. That way, you won't 
>>>>>> have 
>>>>>> to ask for your client's credentials at all, but the linking process is 
>>>>>> manual.
>>>>>> Could you provide some more details of your application? E.g. is it a 
>>>>>> web application?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>>>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>>>>> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 16:31:31 UTC+5:30, baynezy wrote:
>>>>>>> Anash,
>>>>>>> Thanks very much for your help on this. I think I have gone down the
>>>>>>> wrong path here. The OAuth version of the API presents me with a
>>>>>>> CAPTCH challenge that I need to forward to the user. However, I am 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> creating a client application for users to manage their AdWords
>>>>>>> accounts where this process makes perfect sense as I would not want 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> store their account credentials. However, I am building an 
>>>>>>> integration
>>>>>>> with my application so I can programmatically create campaigns,
>>>>>>> adgroups, etc. and this CAPTCHA challenge makes this not feasible as
>>>>>>> this will not be in response to a user action but an automated
>>>>>>> process. Is there a way to interact with the API where I can use my
>>>>>>> credentials that I know, without having to deal with manually
>>>>>>> authenticating?
>>>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>>>> Simon Baynes 
>>>>>>> On Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:04:12 AM UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>>>>>> There are couple more pieces to getting OAuth to work on an 
>>>>>>>> ASP.NETwebsite.
>>>>>>>> 1. There's some initialization code that should go in your 
>>>>>>>> Global.asax. :  
>>>>>>>> 2. There should be some mechanism to trigger the OAuth signup, as 
>>>>>>>> shown here:
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps: Let me know if you have more questions.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>>>>>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, 28 March 2012 20:09:13 UTC+5:30, baynezy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am trying (with not much luck) to access the Google AdWords API 
>>>>>>>>> using the .Net Client 
>>>>>>>>> Library<>to access 
>>>>>>>>> their 
>>>>>>>>> SandBox <>API.
>>>>>>>>> Here is my code:-
>>>>>>>>>             // create campaign
>>>>>>>>>             var campaign = new Campaign
>>>>>>>>>                                {
>>>>>>>>>                                    name = "Simon's Campaign",
>>>>>>>>>                                    status = CampaignStatus.ACTIVE,
>>>>>>>>>                                    servingStatus = 
>>>>>>>>> ServingStatus.SERVING,
>>>>>>>>>                                    budget = new Budget
>>>>>>>>>                                                 {
>>>>>>>>>                                                     period = 
>>>>>>>>> BudgetBudgetPeriod.DAILY,
>>>>>>>>>                                                     amount = new 
>>>>>>>>> Money
>>>>>>>>>                                                                  {
>>>>>>>>>    microAmount = 100000
>>>>>>>>>                                                                  },
>>>>>>>>>                                                     deliveryMethod 
>>>>>>>>> = BudgetBudgetDeliveryMethod.STANDARD
>>>>>>>>>                                                 },
>>>>>>>>>                                    adServingOptimizationStatus = 
>>>>>>>>> AdServingOptimizationStatus.OPTIMIZE,
>>>>>>>>>                                    frequencyCap = new FrequencyCap
>>>>>>>>>                                                       {
>>>>>>>>> impressions = 100000,
>>>>>>>>>                                                           timeUnit 
>>>>>>>>> = TimeUnit.MINUTE,
>>>>>>>>>                                                           level = 
>>>>>>>>> Level.CAMPAIGN
>>>>>>>>>                                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                                };
>>>>>>>>>             var operation = new CampaignOperation {@operator = 
>>>>>>>>> Operator.ADD, operand = campaign};
>>>>>>>>>             var operations = new CampaignOperation[1];
>>>>>>>>>             operations[0] = operation;
>>>>>>>>>             // get service
>>>>>>>>>             var user = new AdWordsUser();
>>>>>>>>>             var url = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
>>>>>>>>>             var config = user.Config as AdWordsAppConfig;
>>>>>>>>>             user.OAuthProvider = new AdsOAuthNetProvider(
>>>>>>>>>                     config.OAuthConsumerKey,
>>>>>>>>>                     config.OAuthConsumerSecret,
>>>>>>>>>                     AdWordsService.GetOAuthScope(user.Config as 
>>>>>>>>> AdWordsAppConfig),
>>>>>>>>>                     url,
>>>>>>>>>                     Session.SessionID
>>>>>>>>>                 );
>>>>>>>>>             var service = (CampaignService) 
>>>>>>>>> user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201109.CampaignService);
>>>>>>>>>             var page = service.mutate(operations);
>>>>>>>>> When I run this I get an `AdWordsApiException` with an 
>>>>>>>>> InnerException `AuthenticationError.OAUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_INVALID @ 
>>>>>>>>>  Service[CampaignService.mutate]`
>>>>>>>>> Now I have the following in my `Web.config`:-
>>>>>>>>>     <!-- Note: For testing purposes, you can use the OAuth 
>>>>>>>>> consumer key/secret as anonymous/anonymous.-->
>>>>>>>>>     <add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="OAuth"/>
>>>>>>>>>     <add key="OAuthConsumerKey" value="anonymous"/>
>>>>>>>>>     <add key="OAuthConsumerSecret" value="anonymous"/>
>>>>>>>>>     <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use v13 sandbox. -->
>>>>>>>>>     <!-- <add key="LegacyAdWordsApi.Server" value="
>>>>>>>>>"/> -->
>>>>>>>>>     <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use AdWords API 
>>>>>>>>> sandbox. -->
>>>>>>>>>     <add key="AdWordsApi.Server" value="
>>>>>>>>> As I understand it this is set up correctly, what am I missing?
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be very gratefully received!!!

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