Hello Kevin.

I have use this:

ReportDefinition Object
    [id] => 
    [selector] => Selector Object
            [fields] => Array
                    [0] => AdGroupId
                    [1] => AdGroupName
                    [2] => AdGroupStatus
                    [3] => AdType
                    [4] => AveragePosition
                    [5] => CampaignId
                    [6] => CampaignName
                    [7] => CampaignStatus
                    [8] => Clicks
                    [9] => ConversionValue
                    [10] => Cost
                    [11] => CreativeApprovalStatus
                    [12] => CreativeDestinationUrl
                    [13] => Description1
                    [14] => Description2
                    [15] => DisplayUrl
                    [16] => Headline
                    [17] => Id
                    [18] => Impressions
                    [19] => IsNegative
                    [20] => KeywordId
                    [21] => Slot
                    [22] => Status

            [predicates] => 
            [dateRange] => 
            [ordering] => 
            [paging] => 

    [reportName] => Ad performance report #1326985594
    [reportType] => AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
    [hasAttachment] => 
    [dateRangeType] => YESTERDAY
    [downloadFormat] => CSV
    [creationTime] => 
    [includeZeroImpressions] => 1

And there are all impression values > 0 in the report, but I can see ones in 
AdWords web interface.

Please, advise.

Thanks, Dmitriy.

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