I have a code base that I'm essentially switching the version of the API 
that's called so I can wrap things up before the sunset date in February:

$campaignService->GetService('CampaignService', 'v201101');


$campaignService->GetService('CampaignService', v201109');

The code that follows is identical in both to create the Selector object:

$selector = $campaignService->Create('Selector');

And I go on to set the predicates, date ranges, etc. For v201101, my 
$campaignService->get($selector); returns the expected campaign objects. 
Switching the version ID yields this (serialized for logging):


I read through the __last_request property of $campaignService and it looks 
like it's not sending anything but <get /> (no fields, predicates, etc.) in 
v201109, but a full request in v201101, so the error is correct. But I have 
no idea what needs to change between the two implementations. I've always 
been able to pass a selector to the ->get() method on the service instance. 
Anything obvious I'm missing?


(Snippet simplified for brevity's sake. This method is part of a class that 
extends AdWordsUser)

     * Get All Campaigns associated with a login
     * @param array $options
    public function GetAllCampaigns( $options = array() ) {

        // Declare service
        $campaignService = $this->GetService('CampaignService', 'v201109');

        // Create selector
        $selector = $campaignService->Create('Selector');
        $selector->fields = array('Id', 'Name', 'Status', 'ServingStatus', 
'StartDate', 'EndDate', 'AdServingOptimizationStatus', 'Settings', 
'Amount', 'Period', 'DeliveryMethod', 'PricingModel', 
'ConversionOptimizerBidType', 'DeduplicationMode', 'EnhancedCpcEnabled', 
'BidCeiling', 'Eligible', 'RejectionReasons', 'Clicks', 'Impressions', 
'Cost', 'AveragePosition', 'AverageCpc', 'AverageCpm', 'Ctr', 
'Conversions', 'ConversionRate', 'CostPerConversion', 
'ConversionsManyPerClick', 'ConversionRateManyPerClick', 
'CostPerConversionManyPerClick', 'ViewThroughConversions', 
'TotalConvValue', 'ValuePerConv', 'ValuePerConvManyPerClick', 
'InvalidClicks', 'InvalidClickRate', 'FrequencyCapMaxImpressions', 
'TimeUnit', 'Level', 'TargetGoogleSearch', 'TargetSearchNetwork', 
'TargetContentNetwork', 'TargetContentContextual', 

        $selector->ordering = array($campaignService->Create('OrderBy', 
array('Name', 'ASCENDING') ));

        // Retrieve campaign data
        try {
            $return = $campaignService->get($selector);
            return $return;
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            die ($e->getMessage());

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