Anash P. Oommen:

> Working with the sandbox got slightly more complex with v201109
> release, since clientEmail header is no longer supported. Also,
> clientId is not the right header name, it should be clientCustomerId.

Thanks! I guess the example at
uses the newest API version with old
XML and hence my misadventures, then.

> To use the sandbox with v201109, you could follow this sequence:

> 1. Call getAllCampaigns without any clientCustomerId header. This
> will give you an empty list, but will also initialize the sandbox.

This worked with your example, thanks!

> 2. Call getAccountHierarchy without any clientCustomerid header.
> This will give you the sandbox accounts, and their customer ids.

This didn’t work; with the XML examples you sent
I’m getting ‘Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element
local:"RequestHeader")’, with the suggestion that the URI
for RequestHeader should end with …/cm/v201109, not …/mcm/v201109.

Changing the xmlns of RequestHeader to …/cm/v201109
makes the response say ‘Unexpected wrapper element
{}get found.’

Changing the get’s xmlns to end with …/cm/v201109 yields
‘Unmarshalling Error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid
content was found starting with element 'selector'.’

Changing <selector> to the suggested <serviceSelector>
yields ‘Unmarshalling Error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid
content was found starting with element 'enablePaging'.’

Changing <enablePaging>…</enablePaging> to <paging/> (as
it’s element-only) yields SelectorError.MISSING_FIELDS.

I stopped ‘fixing’ stuff here as I guess
I went too far in the wrong direction by now. :)

Are you sure the second request example (the
only one with …/mcm/v201109 xmlnses) is valid?

> The detailed logs are given below for
> your reference, and will work with  curl.

Maybe I’m using curl wrong? The first request+respone worked, the
second broke as described above. I’m calling it like in the tutorial:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/soap+xml" --data @2.xml

> That said, try using a client library for easier development.

That’s the plan (the Ruby lib in my case), except I noticed it
doesn’t support v201109 yet (please correct me if I’m wrong here).

I need per-location keyword stats – and to the best of my reading
of release notes Location was added to TrafficEstimatorService in
v201109 (again, I’d love to be wrong).

— Piotr Szotkowski
7.times{k=0;puts ($*.map!{|i|k+k=i}<<1)*" "}

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