Hello Google Adwords Team

Conversion value problem on Keyword Report:

Here is the list of conversion related fields from Placement / Keyword
performance report documentaion [ URL :

ConversionCategory1 Action Category (attribute) conversioncategory
> ConversionDescription1 Action Description (attribute)
> conversiondescription  ConversionName1 Action Name (attribute)
> conversionname  ConversionRate2 Conv. Rate (1-per-click) (measure)
> convRate  Conversions2 Conversions (1-per-click) (measure) conv

If i include any one of this field in report's selectedColumns values, it
will return an error, which shows below.  I have verified the report, by MCC
level and  customerId level. On MCC level it contain conv="0" and in
customeId level its giving an error.

[fault] => Array
                    [code] => 30
                    [message] => One or more report job parameters is
                    [trigger] =>  The following columns are not supported by
the Report Type Keyword : [Conversions]

Can you please help me to solve the issue ASAP.

Remya Mohan
Software Engineer

phone: +1 408-335-0493, 0484 2559756

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