I know that I regularly have my code net out finer levels from higher 
levels to ensure it captures all the information. For example, when getting 
cost reports where I want to record it at the finest granularity available, 
my code gets campaign, ad group, keyword. It subtracts the sum(keyword) 
from ad group, sum(adgroup) from campaign, ... Needing to do this for 
conversion metrics is less obv if you're uploading the conversions but 
perhaps you're counting on Google to note all the conversions and do the 

In the latter case, I would imagine that Google's attribution algorithm 
when presented with multiple clicks may not be able to divide the 
conversion value in every case and may choose a higher level in the 
hierarchy for attribution. I know that our conversion code does that as a 

BTW: we're interested in putting together an adTech working group for those 
working with long sales cycle, multiple lead products. If that's you, reach 
out to me. My company is focused on cross platform attribution (Meta, 
Google, MSN, ...) for high value sales taking 3 to 18 months, but others in 
working group may have different characteristics.

Don Mitchell (email:dmitch...@cargurus.com)
Technical Fellow

On Friday, 7 March 2025 at 10:57:25 UTC-5 Eugenia Mankova wrote:

>  Hi Team! Could you please help me with the following issu? 
> We query data of ad_group report ad_group  |  Google Ads API  |  Google 
> for Developers 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/fields/v18/ad_group> . We 
> observed unexpected behaviour for conversions metrics like 
> metrics.conversions, 
> metrics.conversions_value, metrics.all_conversions, 
> metrics.all_conversions_value. If we add segments.device, 
> segments.click_typeto query, we get significantly less numbers for these 
> fields in comparison with the same query without segments.device, 
> segments.click_type. Is there any explanation why conversions info could 
> be missed for more granular data? 
> Thanks!

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