
Thanks for your quick response. Just wanted to follow up - is there any
workaround available for this? Also, I was wondering if it's possible to
use audience source (criteria) as a ValueTrack parameter in Shopping

Best regards,

El mar, 4 mar 2025 a las 17:47, Google Ads API Forum Advisor (<
adsapi@forumsupport.google>) escribió:

> Hi,
> Thank you for contacting the Google Ads API support team.
> Kindly find below the specified responses to your queries:
> 1. How to send manage account request to the client google ads account
> programmatically?
> To send a manage account request to a client's Google Ads account using
> the Google Ads API, you need to specify both the *login customer ID* and
> the *customer ID* in your API request. This ensures that your request is
> directed to the appropriate client account in the Google Ads accounts.
> 2. How to set ValueTrack parameters in client google ads account
> programmatically?
> To set up ValueTrack parameters in your Google Ads account
> programmatically, you’ll need to configure tracking templates at the
> *account*, *campaign*, or *ad group* level. Tracking templates should
> include a *ValueTrack parameter that inserts your final URL*
> <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6305348#urlinsertion>, like
> {lpurl}. When your ad is clicked, these parameters will insert your final
> URL. If you don’t include a URL insertion parameter in your tracking
> template, your landing page URL will break.
> If you want to add more than one ValueTrack parameter to a single URL,
> simply append them together in your URL using an ampersand (&), like this:
> {lpurl}?matchtype={matchtype}&device={device}.
> I would recommend you refer to this *Set up tracking with ValueTrack
> parameters* <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6305348> help
> center article for more detailed information.
> Additionally, note that Criteria ID is not supported in Google Ads API.
> You can refer to this *fields/segments/metrics*
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/fields/v18/click_view#fieldssegmentsmetrics>
> documentation for which are all supported in the *click_view*
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/fields/v18/click_view>.
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] Google Ads API Team
> Feedback
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> [2025-03-04 16:47:05Z GMT] This message is in relation to case
> "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vH5vk:ref" (ADR-00291330)

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