I'm tracking Google Ads clicks on my website and capturing the gclid 
parameter from incoming traffic. However, when I use the Google Ads API's 
daily click view (ClickView resource) to retrieve click data, I'm noticing 
that some of the GCLIDs I've captured are missing.

Here's what I've done:

   - Verified that I'm using the correct date range and filters in my API 
   - Checked for any potential errors in my gclid capturing and storage 
   - Confirmed that the missing GCLIDs are associated with genuine user 
   traffic and not bots or fraudulent activity. 

Could this be due to Google Ads filtering out those clicks as invalid? If 
so, are there any specific reasons why these seemingly legitimate clicks 
might be considered invalid? Is there a way to get more information about 
the filtered-out clicks or identify potential reasons for their exclusion?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

*Can you assume those missing GCLIDs as invalid clicks?*


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