
Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.

Yes, by the time of the deprecation of v18 Google Ads API team will release a 
new updated version. However this happened for earlier releases also. I would 
suggest to refer to the release notes to now the latest versions. Kindly refer 
to the Upgrade to the latest version to know the process for upgarde. According 
to the API documentation

At most, three major versions are available at any one time.
Major versions have a lifespan of around 12 months—minor versions: 10 months.
You'll have to perform at most two upgrades per year, and you don't have to 
upgrade in strict sequential order—for instance, you can upgrade from version 
(N) directly to version (N+2).
The overlap between the date when all client libraries are released for the 
latest version and the version to be sunset is at least 20 weeks.

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